Dec 14, 2012 13:39

At least 27 dead, including at least 18 children, in Connecticut elementary school shooting.

Peace and condolences and whatever cold comfort may be taken by the families of the dead and wounded.


Anybody want to say they should have open carry at a FUCKING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!?

You know. Elementary school. Kindergarten through fourth grade.

Anybody want to bring up the fucking Second Amendment rights to goddamn arm yourselves under every possible circumstances? Anybody want to tell me the teachers and secretaries at a fucking elementary school should've been packing, and then, by God, they woulda taken him down right quick? Anybody want to suggest Rambo or Chuck Norris are better role models than Elmo or Mr. Rogers?

Four weapons on this guy. Possibly a second shooter.

An elementary school.

I don't want to hear about goddamn gun rights for a long, long time. I ask those who have argued in favor of firearms in the past, please understand. I am not attacking you, I am not attacking the Second Amendment.

Huh. I feel I have to say that, because some of you will go off on me about constitutional rights and protect ourselves from the government and guns don't kill people, people kill people and on and on and on. If I mention gun control, you'll freak out.

Well, then, freak the fuck out.

I am horrified, and disgusted with the goddamned fucking NRA and the spineless bastard lawmakers -- all of them, Dem and Repub -- that kowtow to them.

Because something was drastically wrong with this guy.

And he got guns anyway. Several of them.

Our lawmakers, and the ones who lobbied them, made sure he could get them.

And he shot up an elementary school.

ETA: added a bit about my cowardly disclaimer.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

news, guns, human monsters, wtf

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