Signal Boost: Help jasperjones22 Get To Biodiesel Conference

Dec 14, 2012 11:54

James Anderson, one of our regulars here (under the user name jasperjones22) is a science grad student with a very common problem: lack of funding. Specifically, travel expenses to get to a conference.

So, for at least the first one, he's set up a fundraiser at indiegogo.

Rewards are a certain amount of his brainpower, depending on how much you donate. Ten bucks, one science question answered. $500, you've got your own Hermione Granger. Except, you know, male. And hairier.

He doesn't need a lot. If, over the next 38 days, you can spare something, won't you help?

What other good crowdfunding/Kickstarter/indiegogo projects should we know about? These things change constantly.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

pimp your stuff, crowdfunding, signal boost, help and hope, environment, science, friends

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