Farewell, Ray Bradbury

Jun 06, 2012 12:12

Great sadness -- one of the legends has left us. Ray Bradbury has passed away at the age of 91. Thank you, sir, for all that you've left us, and all that you've inspired us to do and to be and to write.

What are some of your favorite Bradbury stories? I will always love "There Will Come Soft Rains"; "All Summer In A Day"; Something Wicked This ( Read more... )

obit, movies, television, books

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Comments 21

Ray Bradbury markiv1111 June 6 2012, 16:25:16 UTC
The two short stories you mention are two of my three favorites, but the one I would rate above these two is "Kaleidoscope," the one about the exploding spaceship. And I am so glad we had Ray Bradbury as long as we did.



ladystarblade June 6 2012, 16:27:39 UTC
For a project in high school English class, each student chose an author from a list, read two books by that author, and gave a report on said author and books. I wanted Jules Verne, but by the time the list got to me, the only sci-fi author left on the list was Ray Bradbury. I chose him and read The Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451.

Fahrenheit blew my mind, and I had the opportunity to tell him so when I talked to him for my report. (Ah, the advantages of growing up in fandom.) He chuckled and said that he'd rather make people use their minds rather than blow them, but I think he succeeded rather well at both.

RIP, Ray, and say hi to Arthur, Issac, Robert, and the rest of the gang for us.


hitchkitty June 6 2012, 16:37:15 UTC
Chalk up another vote here for "There Will Come Soft Rains", and also for "Usher II".
And "...Though the Moon Be Still as Bright".
And...really, the whole _Martian Chronicles_, honestly.


rev_ursa June 6 2012, 16:47:26 UTC
For when the winter blows bitter and the sun seems a forgotten pleasure, I read "Colonel Stonesteel’s Genuine Home-Made Truly Egyptian Mummy". It always brings the smell of sun dried grass and the taste of lemonade. I love his work, and the world is a darker place now that he is gone.


stoutfellow June 6 2012, 17:07:49 UTC
Favorites among the stories not yet mentioned: "A Sound of Thunder", natch; "The Foghorn"; and the terrifying "Fever Dream".


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