And THIS Is The Guy Who's Probably Going To Be The Candidate

Jan 10, 2012 07:15

Yesterday, Mittens was asked about immigration reform. Among the things he said:"You don't have a way of telling, if someone comes and they speak with an accent do you say, well, are you here legally or illegally?"
Somehow, I bet he doesn't wonder if someone's here illegally if they have a Boston accent. Or a Brooklyn accent. Or an Italian accent. Or a Texas accent. Or a Georgian, German, Scandinavian, Carolinian, British, French, Russian, or possibly even Asian accent.

Certainly not a Michigan accent.

As entlord put it in the comments, "He is referring to those accents which have a great deal of melanin."

I really don't understand how anyone can think like this, or say things like this -- "Hmmm, an accent, I wonder if he's here illegally?" -- without being instantly called on it and dressed down. Let alone how a major party candidate for the Presidency of the United States can do it.

And, on one level, I hope I never do.

This entry was originally posted at You may comment there or here, although LJ tends to have a livelier conversation at this time.

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