LYR: Man Without a Face

Jan 27, 2006 23:26

This is a heavy rock song, and I don't thnk it's done yet, but this kind of came out this evening...

Words & Music © 2006 David Weingart

I am strong and I am weak
     I am brave and I am meek
     I am false and I am true
     I am nothing without you
     I am life and I am death
     I am vacuum, I am breath
     I am old and I am new
     I am nothing without you

You feel me, a shadow in the night
You see me, a shimmer in the light
I am a man, or am I one at all?
I am unbound, yet I am in your thrall

I am strong and I am weak...

I come from no place and everywhere's my home
I'm always with you when you are all alone
My strength surrounds you no matter where you live
I have no power, except for what you give

I am strong and I am weak...

I walk outside the world inside the frame
And you, inside, deception is my name
Each glimpse a cell, a moment trapped in time
I am more free, the more of me you bind

I am strong and I am weak...

filk, songwriting

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