So this little musing came from a post on a friend's FB page asking to "Name a book that changed your life." Growing up in a house with my parents meant that the house was filled with all kinds of books on all subjects and all genres. And any book that was lying around was likely to be read by me at one point or another.
There were a few books that I read until they fell apart. One was
Richard Halliburton's "Complete Book of Marvels" (which my dad had gotten as a bar mitzvah present -- many years later I found a copy in a used bookstore and got him another copy). Another was "Mythology" by
Edith Hamilton's. That was my mom's book. I still have a copy on my own shelves, in fact. And one other was called
"One Two Three...Infinity" by
George Gamow. I'm pretty sure that the copy we had when I was a kid was the
1953 edition. It was fascinating stuff and I still remember it fondly.
Today, I discovered that it's still in print, 70 years after it was first published. There's even a Kindle edition! I think I'm going to have to order a copy.
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