Aug 07, 2006 15:37
i'm x-posting everything from myspace on here as well from now on seeing as some people have livejournal and not myspace so you all can keep up with me...
ok... well already posted about some things but anyways... friday went to the movies and saw john tucker must die... that was actually a pretty good movie...
saturday went bowling with patricia... fell on my ass, then slid off my ass and fell on my head... ow... something tells me i just wasn't meant to bowl... and plus we were bowling in cute clothes which just made it even more odd... after that went to hardrock with patricia and spyro... it was alright... although i've given up drinking... no matter how much alcohol i consume it's not going to get me over jason so i figure, just quit...
yesterday went to a baby shower for one of mabels friends... wow... that was really depressing... i know baby showers are supposed to be happy times, but it just made me think of jason and how we're never going to get married and have a family someday like i always thought we would... so spent most of yesterday crying... although i managed to do it when no one was looking...
afterwards we all went over to yacht boys publix with the baby and we all went over to jacksons... ice cream soothes the soul... and that's the one thing i can really pack away... ask anyone...
took my guitar to guitar center to see what the problem was... turns out that one of the wires snapped off the jack... not sure how i didn't notice that... anyhoo... the guitar repair guy is on vacation so i couldn't get it fixed... which means i either wait 2 weeks to play it again or i find someone with a soldering iron and get both my 6 strings fixed... i'd get a soldering iron of my own but that would be useless considering i'm not entirely sure of how to use one...
and yeah... that's pretty much it for me lately... pretty boring... and still depressing... but what can i really do about it...