Jun 07, 2006 16:39
Ok, I should probably play catch up with these spotlights since I've only got 9 days to go until school ends. So for #23, I pick a girl who is definitely quite peachey. Yes, I misspelled the word on purpose because my next senior spotlight is on...
Well now, for the first two years of high school, I didn't quite know her as I didn't have any classes with her either year. However, I at least knew her by name and face because she certainly was one to watch during soccer season. She's been the varsity starting goalie for the past four years and will leave behind figuratively very large cleats for the next goalie to fill. With her family, I think the passion for the sport and the soccer skills were inherited genetically. Ray was definitely a defender on the school team I looked up to as a freshman and sophomore, while playing alongside Lynn's younger brother Mike in the defensive line was a great time. And when Mr. Peachey coached the spring team my sophomore year, he definitely helped the JV team have a successful season the following year.
Yet since Lynn has been in my bio class the past two years as well as my math class last year, I've gotten to know her better. She's a go-with-the-flow person who's very nice to everyone. She's definitely been a part of the LJ fanbase for quite awhile, and among everyone who's ever commented, I don't think I've ever heard a word of negativity from her directed towards me. She's been able to see past my quirks and has always been supportive of me, especially when I was down.
One occasion in particular sticks out for me. I chatted with her over AIM one day in the summer, and the conversation about summer jobs came up. When I first started working at Kings, I definitely doubted whether working at Kings was a great idea and all because I started out only at $7 an hour. I wasn't working much, so with union dues, I wasn't earning a lot of money, especially in comparison to many of my classmates. I told Lynn a lot of this on AIM once, as I asked her what she was doing. She told me how she was working at a day camp of some sort that took place at throughout the summer. The hours were kinda long and the pay was only $6 or $6.50 an hour, so my first impression was like, "Wow, so why would you want to work there?" Yet I found out quickly how she really enjoyed supervising the little kids as they hyperactively played with each other, running around and giggling with glee. I had heard the message about looking for a job you enjoy over one that pays well before, but it didn't quite strike a chord with me until I talked with her. Since then, I have for the most part enjoyed working at Kings and have never really been concerned about the pay except for when it comes to Christmas time when I spend a lot of money on gifts quickly and go broke fast.
So Lynn, may you continue to enjoy whatever you do at Fairfield. If you ever need any help on future bio labs (if you ever take the course again), I'm here for ya. Take care.