Yesterday was hard.
I got my official NaNo recommended word count, but it was by the skin of my teeth and it was a push-pull struggle all the way. My focus was off and while I knew what I wanted to say, I was having a hell of a time saying it. The end product was crap of the highest magnitude, but the words got written.
I'm hoping for a little better progress today, but it's an up and down day due to Girl activities. I broke 30,000 words (by my count, I haven't checked it against the official NaNo validator), so I only have 20,000 to go. In a way, that's good. According to NaNo and my NaNoWriMo report card, if I keep at the pace I'm writing, I'll finish next Friday, November 18th.
Go me. But . . . I am wordy. This epic work of fan nuttiness will not be finished in 50,000 words. There will still be more story to write once I hit 50,000 words. That's a bit daunting because my biggest problem lately has been finishing anything. I'm hoping that having the story halfway or three-quarters done will at least encourage me.
Then comes the editing. I am my own worse critic. I don't want to go back and delete the whole thing, because I decide that it wholly SUCKS. I also know that once it's done, it won't be ready to present to fandom. The first two chapters have to be completely stripped down and re-worked, though I hit my groove around Chapter 4. (Barring the crap-tacular vomit that spewed from my fingers last night.)
Plunging ahead, dealing with zombies. And vampires. And werewolves. Oh my!
I'm trying to stay positive, and most importantly, not looking back over my shoulder too much. That way leads to madness.
(I missed my check in last night. Didn't update my word count before midnight so it looks I did nothing yesterday. On the plus side, maybe that means when I update again tonight, it'll look spectacular?)
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