NaNoWriMo 2011 - Check In

Nov 10, 2011 12:47

I am either doing something right, or doing something completely wrong.

I have, thus far, managed to keep up a steady pace with NaNoWriMo this year. I haven't gotten overwhelmed, or (super) distracted, and I've stayed on task. I'm already at 25K words, and the story has barely started.

(Yeah, but I've come to accept that I'm a bit wordy, and editing comes later, right?)

So, what am I doing differently?

I'm not entirely certain. This year I went in without an outline or even a general plan. I had an idea and decided I would just start typing and see where the words and the characters took me. I also haven't limited myself to writing in a linear fashion. I have a basic idea of the story and outline - for the first part - once the words started flowing. So, plugging ahead on a later scene, or not stopping to stress when I can't get a scene isn't a problem.

If I can't find the words, I move on.

One thing I am doing differently this year, I'm writing a work of fan fiction. Call it lazy or cheating, but it's working for me. I'm getting words out and I'm having fun while doing it. In recent years, I've had stress fits over NaNo, or not enjoyed it much. I'm enjoying the story the characters are telling, so who cares if it's somebody's else's sandbox?

I'm calling this a dry run. If I can do this for a(n) (epic) fan fic, maybe next year I'll be ready to tackle a work of original fiction.

Or, maybe I'll stick to the sequel.

(Oh yeah, I'm MommieGeek over at NaNoWriMo if anyone wants to be writing buddies.)

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