So to finally update in general

Dec 21, 2007 15:49

*sigh* I really am terrible about keeping this thing up. I swear I don't exactly intend for it to die, I just don't think about it or at least not to update.
Anyway, I'm doing alright after the car crash on tuesday. My back and neck are sore along with the lower right side of my ribs. I also have some beautiful and very colorful bruises on my right hip and left knee. My mom and I went to get the keys and Erin's stuff out of the remnants of the car tuesday night. And it was pretty scary seeing the extent of the damage to the car. (I have pictures of it, if anyone wants to see just email me.) The front end is smashed to oblivion. Then I decided to finish the book "My Sister's Keeper" before I went to sleep tuesday night, thinking it would just put something else on my mind and such. Instead the gorram book ended in a fatal car crash! The crash in the book was where a truck T-boned a smaller car. I just kept picturing my car and the truck I hit like the book described and at the intersection there on Colfax. It really got to me bad, but I just kept reminding myself that we all were ok and what really had happened. I'm still pissed off at the book for doing that to me. It was supposed to be this simple happy ending, not a fatal car crash the day I was in a serious one myself.
Tuesday night I had emailed Eric three times letting him know what happened, in detail, and asking him to email me. That morning I had wanted a hug from Eric, and after the accident I really, really wanted a hug from him. Plus I tell him everything; my mom and Eric are the two people I talk to the most I think. Well, he ended up calling my cell wednesday afternoon so we talked for a bit. It turned out to be a rather random call, but it made me happy that he had called me. Now I'm seriously wishing Eric was here; he gives great back massages, and I seriously need one. Right before I left Doane last thursday I was just standing in my room with Eric and Emily, checking to make sure I hadn't left anything, and randomly Eric comes up behind me and starts rubbing my shoulders. Now I seriously wish I could have postponed that for a week.

So after all the lovely excitement Tuesday afternoon my mom and I went to the tow yard to retrieve stuffs from the car. Then we stopped by Erin's house and talked to her, her parents and Kelsey for a bit. Wednesday Kelsey, Erin and I went to visit GM, as we had planned to do that tuesday afternoon. But none of the teachers we wanted to see were still there when we got there, so it was a waste of time. Then I got dropped off at Devinny and went to see my sixth grade teacher before going to find my mom. It was nice to see Mrs. Grimes again and chat for a bit. Just as I was saying bye to her my cell rang and it was Eric, so we talked. It wasn't exactly easy to hear him or talk especially freely while in the middle of the school, but it was alright. Until my phone ran out of minutes and cut us off, so I called him back on my mom's cell and we finished talking. It was kind of an odd conversation and I feel a bit bad about it, so I'm figuring I'll call him this weekend and talk to him a bit more and wish him Merry Christmas. After my mom finished cleaning up and stuff in the kindergarten room we dropped off film, including the pics taken of the remnants of the car, went to the bank and got my glasses straightened. (After the accident I asked the cop if he could look for my glasses and he found them in the back seat of the car, luckily they were just a little bit bent.) Yesterday I just hung around my house. My brother was home a good part of the afternoon as he had a funny schedule for finals, so I wasn't by myself. Today I did laundry and wrapped Christmas presents, and my brother is zoned in front of the tv (I think), sick.
This weekend is just going to be preparing for Christmas mostly. We are having dinner at our house on Christmas eve so that should be fun. My aunt and uncle are in town and will come stay with us starting Christmas day, so I'm happy to get to see them.

Let's see..the past couple months have been kind of interesting, but mostly nice. After I moved into the private room at the end of October I had a few weeks of just getting a routine settled and such. Then the week before Thanksgiving I just kind of randomly freaked out. I got extremely nervous and panicky feeling for like three or four days. I could not deal with the thought of being alone. Nothing happened to trigger the panic feelings, but just all of a sudden I freaked out entirely. I ended up going to the school counselor and talking to him some. Through talking to him and my mother and my own self-exploration it came up that it was probably just a build up of things. The panic feelings went away, but I was still nervous about being alone for quite a while, most likely because I was afraid I'd panic again. So that was an interesting and unpleasant thing, but its been and being dealt with.
Otherwise life settled down to a nice routine. I spent every afternoon and evening in Eric's room, studying or watching him play computer games. We also watched Firefly most evenings for a while and then I brought back the first season of M.A.S.H. after Thanksgiving. On friday and saturday nights we went over to the APE(fraternity) quad to party/hang out with the APEs and Paula. Paula was in a couple of my classes this semester and is a friend of Eric's, so she was kind of our main contact at the quad. The last couple weeks of the semester were pretty frustrating as I had very little to do, but Eric was really busy. During finals week I just hung out in Eric's room while he worked/studied and read. I ended up reading two and a half books in two days. It made me sad that we didn't just get to hang out much before break, but he was busy and I had to leave with Sam on thursday. But along with the LotR soundtracks I burned for Eric for Christmas I also gave him my home and cell numbers and my personal email address so we could be in touch. So far he has called me twice and I have emailed him like five times.
I'm excited for interterm since I only have class from 2 to 5pm everyday, so there'll be lots of time to socialize and stuff. I have stuff planned with Emily and I'm sure there'll be lots of partying at the quads. I also hope that I get to see Ellen and Sam a bunch as I have missed them. We'll just see what happens I guess.
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