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KKM/KH: "Keys" unedited April 25 2006, 16:32:48 UTC
[[you're trying to kill me!]]

"What makes you think this young man you speak of would be here?" Ulrike asked, a distressed frown taking her petite features as she led the tall boy deeper into the shrine. It was strictly forbidden but, after all, the strict taboo against males in the Shrine of the Original King had taken quite a beating since Yuuri-heika's coronation.

Riku's jaw was clenched tightly. You got away once. But not again, Murata almost heard him thinking. "It's the darkness," he said. He didn't seem to notice the way Ulrike and Murata paled beside him and exchanged quick glances. "I can smell it -- it's strongest here. He'll have been drawn to it."

"You said he's a keyblade master... What does the keyblade open?" Murata asked, the picture of calm.

The silver-haired man shrugged. "Anything he pleases, probably. That's why I need to stop him and return him to..." He faltered. Murata might almost have thought he looked regretful, although the strip of cloth binding his eyes made it harder to judge. "To where he's supposed to be."

"Here we are," said Ulrike, and opened the door into the great hall.

A figure clad all in black sat atop one of the boxes, a great silver key set across his knees. The hood of his great coat was down, and a smirk sat on his thin lips as if it belonged there.

"Roxas!" snapped Riku, rushing forward with a hand on the hilt of his keyblade. Quick as silver the blond sprang to his feet and flipped out of range, the bright key in his hands glinting as he moved. He pointed his weapon at one of the boxes and sneered, "Another step and I'll open it."

Ulrike cried out and Riku stopped in his tracks, reluctant but respecting their wishes for now.

"Get away from those!" Murata snapped, temper flaring. How had this boy gotten here-- how dare he threaten everything--

"I don't think so," Roxas purred.

Riku growled, "This is why you need to give that keyblade back to Sora. You can't just run around opening anything you want without permission! That box is dangerous!"

The blond rolled his eyes. "Like I care?"

"What's everyone so interested in the box for?"
"You think maybe it's special?"
"I bet it's filled with TREASURE!"
"Then we'll just be taking THIS!"

Before anyone could do more than glance about for the source of the three voices, a suddenly flare of light had everyone flinching away, and three tiny girls, no more than six inches high, appeared in the air above one of the boxes. They seized it by its lid, waved, and suddenly vanished again -- and the box with them.

Everyone stared blankly at the place where it had been moments before, and then Roxas sighed and let the keyblade settle at his side. "...Anyone for ice cream? I think we're gonna be here for a while."


Re: KKM/KH: "Keys" aramuin October 12 2006, 23:12:19 UTC

This makes sooo much more sense post game. ^^



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