Drabble Challenge Ahoy

Apr 24, 2006 09:52

Today is a day for... drabbles!

But what's a drabble?
A drabble is a short story, in Kay's vocabulary 100-500 words long. Typically Kay will post these in batches of three when written independently because of their small, bite-sized glory. You can't eat just one! But in this case, because each drabble will be requested specifically, drabbles will be posted as comments to your challenges. Turn on your "receive comments" feature if it isn't already.

How does the challenge work?
You comment on this entry. For your request, state the name of your fandom, the characters you would like to see in the drabble, and a prompt. (Characters can be pairing, non-pairing, or my discretion.) A sample would be "Kingdom Hearts: Namine, Kairi: ocean." Then, when it's your turn, I write you a drabble that involves those characters and the prompt mentioned, and post it in a reply to your comment.

How many drabbles can I request?
Four is the maximum. However, if Kay doesn't know your name -- if you're a stranger who got here via a community -- please be courteous and limit yourself to two requests. Unless, of course, you plan on friending my journals and stalking me via AIM and becoming friends with me (because I'm awesome) and otherwise making it worth my while to write you four drabbles.

What can I request?
You can request anything original of mine, if you care. Generally I'm okay with answering any requests I have the fandom knowledge to write for. If you're not sure, ask me! Good guesses are Megami Kouhosei, KKM, Kingdom Hearts, etc. If we have an AU storyline, those are always love. You can't request a specific rating, but I'm open to writing gay boys, gay girls, and even those rare heterosexual creatures.

As far as omg_maou goes, please bear in mind that I'm not very familiar with characters and quirks yet, so please make sure I'll be familiar with at least half of the request!

Challenge me!

Kay reserves the right to tweak challenges if she is having a particularly hard time getting her head around your whacked-out pairing or other request. You may be surprised at what your request inspires in Kay's slightly off-kilter brain. Do not cry if it takes more than a few days to get around to your drabble, there's no time constraints on these.

Drabble List
Kingdom Hearts
Wondering - Riku gen
Vindication - Kairi+Namine
Keys - crossover with KKM - Riku, Roxas, YuRiPa, Murata, Ulrike
Bringing Him Home - Destiny Islands trio gen
On Compliments - Roxas/Axel
Ghosts - Olette+Seifer
Strange Courtships - Olette/Hayner
What You Have - Roxas/Sora
Yesterday Again - Axel+Sora
Dusk Falls - Axel+Xemnas
Who Needs Destiny - Seifer/Roxas
Phoenix - Roxas/Axel
From the Graveyard - Axel/Roxas/Sora
Sacrifices Made - DiZ+Riku
Clear Sight - Riku/Rikku
Rest for the Weary - Cloud/Aerith
Berserk - Saix/Larxene
(Another Side AU) True Nobody - Roxas+Namine

Kyou Kara Maou
Nurturing - Anissina/Cheri
Gambling Man - Dan Hiri/Raven
Dark Time - MuraYuu
Keys - crossover with KH - Murata, Ulrike, Riku, Roxas, YuRiPa
(OMG!Maou) Gunning Down Romance - IC [Julia/Adelbert & Conrad]
(Grace AU) Common Ground - Lukas+spokescat
(Grace AU) Wiser By Far - puppy!Rufus, mentioned Lukas/Ken

Under the Skin - Maris+Adele (original)
Reporter of Fiction - HaruKan (Tactics)
The Wedding - Erts+Kizna (Megami Kouhosei)
In Time of Confusion - Garu/Ernest (Megami Kouhosei)

!kyou kara maou, !megami kouhosei, ::het, !!drabble challenges, ::femslash, ~original: the last dreamer, !tactics, ::slash, !kingdom hearts, ::gen

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