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KH: Namine + Kairi, "Vindication" unedited April 24 2006, 18:39:16 UTC
She had to believe that things would be better this way. She just had to. Everything else she had tried had failed. She couldn't be the same as a real person, she couldn't make real people care about her, she couldn't be a pawn for others or a player in their games.

All she could do was become someone else, go back to the way things were meant to be.

Namine slipped through the dark corridors, bright flash of skin and dress enveloped in the shadow that consumed the Organization's stronghold. She wasn't one of them but she was of them, like them.

Or at least, like Roxas.

She was thinking of him when she thought of how things would be better. He had been so lost, so broken when she met him. There had been nothing real to him, nothing that meant anything. But Sora was Sora -- so genuine and alive and complete -- and surely being part of Sora would give poor lost and broken Roxas a sense of being completion as well.

Surely... it would be the same for Namine.

Oh please.

She traced the wall of the cell with her fingers and closed her eyes and maybe, just a little, prayed.

Then she opened the dark corridor and stepped beyond. A brunette girl with wide, clear eyes (whole eyes, seeing eyes) met Namine's uncertain gaze and everything fell into place.

So even Namine could be whole after all.


Re: KH: Namine + Kairi, "Vindication" libekory June 3 2006, 23:42:52 UTC
So, so full of sweet and sad. I want to cuddle poor Namine to bits now. It IS vindication; because her happiness is so full of determination to be so...

She's the definition of "making the best of a bad situation". If there's an entry for that phrase in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Namine next to it. She just gives off waves of, "I'm happy in the most awful situations you can imagine, so have fun figuring out how much abuse I must have taken in order for this to seem like a day at the beach! :D"

...I do like her so much. And I think that, if anyone could help her get over that, it'd be Kairi, right? (Does it seem to anyone else that Namine and Roxas are alike in that they are both examples of their Somebody gone through a blender of PAIN and abandonment? You can't look at them and say, "Ah, there's an aspect of Sora/Kairi's character that's been missing!" so much as, "Ah, so that's what Sora/Kairi would be like if he/she were constantly put down for a year and a half!" Of course, they're both unusual Nobodies, but it makes me wonder about the breed as a whole...)


Re: KH: Namine + Kairi, "Vindication" unedited June 4 2006, 01:22:35 UTC
I think you would have to do a lot more than put Sora down for a year and a half to turn him into Roxas. XD At least, Nobody!Roxas.

I was thinking about applying for her in CFUD and I was trying to find pleasant expressions to use for happier icons and they just... weren't any in the CoM manga, so I had to resort to screencaps of KH2, and even there her expressions were always this sort of serene vaguely drugged benevolence, less happy than complacent.

This drabble was based on the thought that Namine has been using that complacency as a shield while she plans for this 'reunion', and you're right, it really is vindication because she's believed in it so long in spite of everything, having faith that becoming real and becoming somebody would finally give her something meaningful... And it's true~

Namine needs more cuddling, but she would prefer it in the form of generic kindness and smiles. ♥


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