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KKM AU: Lukas + Spokescat, "Common Ground" unedited April 24 2006, 18:13:37 UTC
He rubbed the back of his neck and tried to gain the sympathy of the spokesman of his lover's pet monsters. He argued reasonably, "I never did anything to you. I haven't stepped on you, even that one time you threw yourself between my feet. I never rolled on you, even though you've sneaked onto the bed four times in the last two nights."

The feline narrowed its eyes to convey that it was not amused by his tone. Lukas glared back. He'd wagered with tyrants and bartered with savages and there was no way a cat was going to humble him.

Still he wondered if Ken was ever going to get home. And until he returned Lukas was stuck all alone in his apartment with his lunatic cats (and he knew the other two were lurking, just waiting for his defenses to fall) and he had no dark-haired dark-eyed bright-smiling lover to fill his arms with until they both felt the years slip away.

The door open and both Lukas and the cat leapt from seated position on the carpet, but oddly, it was not Ken with his key in the door. An auburn-haired young man, his eyes sharp and shadowed by the brim of an improbable hat, peered in with eyebrows raised.

"You're not Murata," the man accused.

"You're not either," Lukas informed him, miffed because he was disappointed.

"Huh. You must be a friend of his. I'm Hadrian, the roomie." Lukas ignored the outstretched hand in favor of staring at the black leather cowboy hat on his head. "...and that's my hat."

Lukas said, "Yes. Yes it is."

Hadrian the roomie tripped over the innocent spokescat and barely caught himself before tumbling to the floor luggage and all, then wandered into the bedroom that Lukas had mistaken for spare. He was rambling to himself or to Lukas or to someone about returning from the "States" after Thanksgiving.

Slowly, the blond sat himself back down on the floor. So much for his evening. "How about we work out ownership of Ken later," he suggested to the cat. "For now, let's both concentrate on that hat."

If he wasn't mistaken, he and the cat were finally in agreement on something.


Re: KKM AU: Lukas + Spokescat, "Common Ground" aramuin April 24 2006, 19:30:10 UTC

"Through such little victories are hearts and minds won."

I adore it, hon. *fights off snipy!Lukas v. roommate drabble*


Re: KKM AU: Lukas + Spokescat, "Common Ground" unedited April 27 2006, 21:01:19 UTC
Spokescat likes your drabble too. ♥♥♥


Sequel aramuin April 24 2006, 19:45:01 UTC
[[ << >> *commits acts of drabble-age here*]]

The tabby one washed self's paws, politely disregarding the undignified clamber of the ginger one as one of the stacks of books slide sideways. The two felines sat side by side, ignoring each other for a polite period of time while ensuring that they were not being watched.

::One notes that the other has not joined us.:: The tabby mentioned delicately, the angle of self's ears adding a neutral inflection to the observation.

::One does not believe it will.:: The ginger replied, lifting a foot to scratch an impatient tone. ::The other was within the den of the "hatted" maintainer prior to the sealing of that area.::

::Ah.:: The tabby licked self's paw at the correct angle to display the requisite degree of sympathetic aloofness. ::One has been inspecting the maintainer's new mate.::

The ginger tucked self's paws under belly and curled self's tail. ::One wonders if conclusions have been reached.::

The tabby stretched, yawning to show all fangs. ::One notes that the sun-maned one is pleasantly warm and smells almost inoffensive. Overall, one feels that the mating should be encouraged. One believes the sun-maned one to be most satisfactory.::

The ginger slitted self's eyes. ::One believes that to be satisfactory.::

Agreement reached, the two ceased conversation and settled in for the sleep of the sun until such time as the maintainer returned to provide the evening repast.

Contentment was achieved.


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