I know. I think I'm getting obsessive with these. This one's a bit more complicated though, if that counts for anything. Also, as a sidenote, this particular tutorial works best with images with a good amount of blues and purples.
Also, I'm working on making some new actual icons to post. So look out for those sooon. (:
Go from
in 9 steps using Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
(Sorry; involves Selective Coloring.)
Crop, resize, etc.
Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Levels.
Enter the following settings:
RGB: (Input) 0 - 2.10 - 255. (Output) 0 - 237.
Red: (Input) 0 - 1.09 - 255. (Output) 0 - 255.
Green: (Input) 0 - 0.96 - 255. (Output) 0 - 255.
Blue: (Input) 0 - 0.90 - 255. (Output) 11 - 255.
Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Hue/Saturation.
Enter the following settings:
Master: 0, -21, 0.
Reds: 0, +21, 0.
Yellows: 0, -100, 0.
Greens: 0, +43, 0.
Cyans: 0, +33, 0.
Magentas: 0, +27, 0.
Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast.
Enter the following settings:
Brightness: -10.
Contrast: -25.
Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast.
Enter the following settings:
Brightness: 0.
Contrast: +23.
Go to Image >> Adjustments >> Curves >> RGB.
Make two points and enter the following settings:
Point 1:
Input: 187.
Output: 227.
Point 2:
Input: 156.
Output: 201.
Duplicate your base layer and set to linear burn, adjusting the opacity as needed.
{Note: My opacity here is 29%.}
Go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color.
Enter the following settings:
Reds: -100, 0, 0, +10.
Greens: +100, +100, -100, 0.
Cyans: -100, 0, -10, 0.
Blues: +100, 0, 0, 0.
Magentas: -44, -70, 0, +10.
Neutrals: +17, 0, -12, +11.
Blacks: 0, +24, -13, +15.
Copy and paste
this; set to Difference, 61%.
{Note: It may end up slightly darker than mine;}
Sharpen, add a brush or texture, and you're done;
Don't copy exactly; enjoy! (:
Others made with the same:
+ For more Emma Watson icons see
here. (: