Massive Procrastination III: Procrastinating Massively

Oct 29, 2009 16:31

Procrastinating Massively. Zanki Female Hair, Pookleted

I have a CRAPTONNE of work to do but as the titles have been suggesting, I've been NOT IN THE MOOD. So in order to procrastinate ~~PRODUCTIVELY~~ YOU CAN ALL HAS HAIRS! xD

Has been massively MASSIVELY alpha edited, in an attempt to make the hair make sense. xD Hopefully it did the job.

The hair has Pooklet's textures, mesh is credited and included (*innocentinnocent*), binned, family'd, compressorized and grey linked to black.

Original Mesh by Zanki

Bodyshop Preview, Naturals (Black, Brown, Blonde, Red, Grey),
Bodyshop Preview, 360-ish view

Available for child to elder, toddler age removed
Download & Enjoy!

PS: I haven't done any neons or extra colours or anything, but if you wanna request em and don't mind waiting then I'll TOTALLY do them. ^_^

Natural add-on pack. Proper ages removed, family-ed binned, compressorised etc ^_^

Comes in brown black, dark red, light brown & yellow blonde

download: genetics, download: hair retextures, download

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