Dragancaor's Simsperiments Challenge - September 2008

Sep 23, 2008 00:34

CAUTION: 33 photos within equals a bit over 1MB for your trouble.

pixel_trade's Dragancaor's Simsperiments Challenge - September 2008

The girls before they start with the impregnation shenannigans! WOO! mjo5oh (purple), did indeed impregnate the other girls unlike iliketoplaygod 's efforts. Which TOTALLY cracked me up bhwahahaa! XD

I didn't install all of the clothings and eyes/hair everyone came with because I'm trying to 'cut back' and only use the eyes I've picked as defaults etc (and the sets that the defaults came from), so the mods aren't EXACTLY as they are packaged hair style/clothing/specific packed eyes wise. But I tried to get that as close as possible. HOPE THATS OKAY FOR THE CHALLENGE STILL!

I think you guys look hot? :D

WOOO! simsforaranya aka Rachel is first! AND SHE DOESN'T LIKE THE PAINS!! But Dangermouse enjoys being on her breasts. So it evens out.

TWIN GIRLS! WOOO!! Faceblendlimits were indeed off for all the little bubbahs (first time I've ever used it, I really should remember to always put it on). Because I was watching Dr. Who Confidential, her twins got called Rosie...

...And Martha!! Awwww!! Rosie has MJ's black hair, and Rachel's skin and eyes. Martha has MJ's skin & black hair, and Rachel's eyes.

dragancaor is next! Fun facts! She was the only one to give birth in the text-book sim location of bathroom. AND she was the only one to experience morning sickness. In a BIG way! She upchucked twice in the upstairs bathroom and MJ autonomously came running from the street to clean it in between each time. ADORABLE!

So. I may or may not have been drinking while doing this challenge. And at a loss for names of Dragancaor's twin girls (I know, seriously, the y chromosome is seriously frowned upon XD) I may or may not have called this little lino-dwelling infant, Frangelico. HAI FRANNY! MJ's everything. XD

And because I hang out with too many friends that make really bad puns, and I was still (obviously cause they're born directly after each other XD) drinking, this little one got named Roxy. XD ALSO MJ's everything.

Dragancaor wouldn't put her down. It was kind of hard to get her to age up Roxy (only by handing her to MJ and then taking her back did she give her up to age up Franny) because she wasn't gonna let her touch the ground!

IT IS YOUR TIME, xel_squirgle_ox !!! And I LOVE her top, eeeee! I downloaded it but was sad I couldn't use it in my rainbow legacy cause its GORGEOUS so since the neckline was similar to the one she was supposed to be packaged with I JUMPED at the chance to use it. :D

A BOY!!! ZOMG!!! MJ's everything, and because I'd switched the channel from the ABC to SBS to watch James May's 20th Century, his name is James...

....And his twin sister is named May! That worked out well, ne?!?! :D :D May also has MJ's everything. XD


Rosie! She played with those butterflies back there until xel_squirgle_ox caught them all and put them in a jar. And then they died. Instantly. Oops. XD

LMAAAO MARTHA!! I considered changing her hair so we could see her eyes, but I thought this was too much lols for words and so left it. Its okay, the decision paid off later. XD

Toddler Frangelico wants to eat your face. Dragancaor approves!

Roxy is adorable! Awwww! She probably turned out the nicest mix of parents of all the little sproglets, imo.

DO NOT LET HIS BROWN PEACH FUZZ CONFUSE YOU, James does indeed have black hair. XD

May! :D You can see her features well enough in this shot, but I changed her hair for the rest of it cause FACE HIDING NOT CONDUCIVE TO KNOWIN WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE!


Moving on... XD CHILDREN TIMES!!

Rosie, features are having problems (WTH NOSE BRIDGE!?) but you can see aspects of both her parents in her face and I think she'll even out in teenagedom.

WOOOOO!! See? Told you you got to see Martha's eyes with this hair later on. :D She's cute! In a scary way. XD


Roxy's face kind of looks like a gust of wind blew her skin back and then it stayed that way. I kinda like it. :DDDDD

That's right BabyJames. WORK IT BABY, OWN IT!

That's the second time today I've quoted that line from Pretty Woman. I haven't even seen it or Quigley or Just Shoot Me or anything to make me think of it. Wha'ts that about? Awww... Quigley. XD

Awww May! She loves her new makeover, which accidentally happened to be the same haircut as her Aunt Dragancaor. Ooops! :D :D

Photo of May means that: ITS TIME TO SEE THE TEENS!

ROSIE! YOU'RE ADORABLE! Her nose bridge is still working itself out, and there's some weird nose to mouth wrinklage, but she's pretty cute and her huge eyes are sweet!

Martha :D *tries not to make myriad long-face jokes* I'm sorry! Forgive me, Martha? Please? Its kind of hard to actually pick these two as twins, there's not a heck of a lot thats similar in their features...

Wow, Black and Teal Cloche + Magenta and White tracksuit. A BOLD statement, Frangelico. Her face reminds me of a skeleton >_<;;;

ROXY! Delightful teen is delightful! She makes the VERY long face work when she smiles. Damn Maxis eyebrows, need to go in and fix those, look like caterpillar's on her face >_<;;; I thought I'd default replaced those O_O;; Hrmmmm

LOOK AT THE CONSTANT SHENANIGANS!!! Constant utter chaos, this entire house was consistently filled with noise as everyone wanted to dance and play with everyone else ALL THE TIME. The teens on the right over there aren't being all uppity and 'too cool to play,' they're fighting over who gets to play red hands with Rosie.

James! *giggles that there's a bottle of Jim Bean in the background* Dark eyebags are dark. His nose is cool though *presses it*

May has some really lovely eyes. I'd love her nose and mouth combo too if they were a little closer together I think... There's something a little too long about that distance there... I dunno. I think she's quite lovely though.


Personality: Neat 4, Outgoing 9, Active 9, Playful 3, Nice 1
Turn Ons: Formal, Glasses
Turn Offs: Makeup
Aspiration: Knowledge Martha:
Personality: Neat 10, Outgoing 9, Active 10, Playful 3, Nice 3
Turn Ons: Fitness, Charismatic
Turn Offs: Fatness
Aspiration: Knowledge
Rosie grows up and you can suddenly see Rachel like WHOA. Also, check her stats maaaan! She's one of those super girls that is good at EVERYTHING, has never cleaned a dish in her life and is a RAGING BITCH! Good thing she likes excessively rich smart guys who are totally straight-laced. She'll squish him under her stiletto like he's nothing and he'll lap it up. WOW ROSIE. HARSH!!

MARTHA'S STATS ARE CRAZY!! FASTIDIOUS, BRASH AND CANNOT BE STOPPED! Cept she's all SRS BSNS and hates you all. But not as much as Rosie hates you. Considering her parents, LOL that they both rolled knowledge. Family thirst for learning lives on!

Personality: Neat 3, Outgoing 6, Active 7, Playful 5, Nice 5
Turn Ons: Swimwear, Red Hair
Turn Offs: Brown Hair
Aspiration: Pleasure Roxy:
Personality: Neat 9, Outgoing 10, Active 3, Playful 2, Nice 3
Turn Ons: Charismatic, Great Cook
Turn Offs: Custom Hair
Aspiration: Family
Franny is less skeletal, GO FRANNY! And she learned to co-ordinate with her cloche. GOOD WORK, GIRL! :D Her stats are much more middling, very like Dragancaor's really. She's the only one of all of them that has any modicum of niceness however. XD She loves her some ginger swimmer's bodies. And she likes to view them in her pajamas. OoOoOOORIIIIGHT.

Roxy looks permamently surprised. Not really a great look considering her stats, although HIGH COMEDY! "OH MY GOD I CAN'T BE BOTHERED GETTING OUT OF BED! *shock*" She wants her an irresistably charming culinary genius that will support her exuberant want to stay in bed and pop out four hundred babies.

Actually, can I have that too? XD XD

Personality: Neat 9, Outgoing 4, Active 3, Playful 8, Nice 3
Turn Ons: Grey Hair, Great Cook
Turn Offs: Underwear
Aspiration: Family May:
Personality: Neat 9, Outgoing 10, Active 7, Playful 7, Nice 1
Turn Ons: Black Hair, Athletic
Turn Offs: Hard Worker
Aspiration: Fortune
WHY ARE NONE OF THESE CHILDREN VERY NICE!? XD What sucks their nice points away?

James has a grandmother complex. But he never wants to see granny underpants. Ever. Just wants her home cooking and to touch up her waddle. *touchtouch*

May's dream is to marry a pro-footballer from brazil. And she'll be really really mean to him. But he'll love it cause check out her outgoing/active/playful. Winning sack combination, y/y?!?! :D :D

I wish I could say OKAY WELL THEY WILL ALL BE FOR DOWNLOAD..! But they can't be, cause I cannot be hasing the SimPE. But they'll all be popping up in the Kohler-Wielle legacy, cause they live on the outskirts of Downtown and so will be appearing, ageless, at a meat market nightclub near you in any number of updates! ^_^

challenges: simsperiments

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