1 Love-hotel are very popular in Japan, the concept of not having sexual intercourse in your house being a tradition. Of course, nowadays such traditions are easily overlooked, as this love-hotels now exist mostly for "rest" or adventures. More information on this subject
here 2 Daimyo is a term used to describe the feudal lords from
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There was a warning~ :D:D:D But I'm glad that I didn't insist on it and got you surprised <33
And I not only prefer het smut, I love it *o* For me it's the easiest to write and to imagine haha Whilst on gay smut... I tend to blow it really bad XDDD But w/ aroruae I can write it without feeling all awkward about the sex scene XDD If alone, then I tend to finish it quickly w/o too much details >< but the funny part is that I have to write a whole scene in AO all by myself ;o; and I've written only half... *sigh*
I'm happy that you think my Kazu is mind-blowing *bounces happily* I was afraid to not stray too much from the RL Kazu, though apparently I kinda have lol As for the sex scenes~ there is another in the following chapter :D Because the relationship b/w Mika and Kazu started from sex, it doesn't have a real base as when you get to know the other person gradually. That's why most of their relationship will be based on strong emotions and physical contact. But they do love each other in the end ^o^ just ...fate has another way of dealing ;(
Annnnd... does Mika really appear as perfect? oO' I'm surprised! Because I intended to give her flaws more than to anyone XDD Guess I still have to work on her personality hehe >////< But don't get mad at her *puppy eyes* she will be less annoying in the following chapters, I hope~ XP
Thank you for the kind words *blush* This was my longest het sex scene written ever :)) and I wrote it last year :| and it makes me happy that it still appeals to you even if you're into violent and angry sex *chuckle* Maybe it will be this kind of sex in AK too ^o^ though no promises~
Thanks again for reading it and liking it <3333
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