Oct 25, 2007 16:35
Hey everyone, finally got my LJ working, not sure what was wrong with it but I'm now albe to log in again. YAY, Yet with as busy as I am at the studio and with conventions I probably won't be able to get on as much as I would like.
As I said I've got an important message for everyone. I don't know if you're all aware of the state of the industry, but right now the anime industry is in big trouble. We've already seen the collapse of one distribution company (Geneon) and there are likely to be more in the near future. Here's the thing, Illegal bit torrenting, downloading and P2P file sharing are destorying the industry.
Here's the cold hard facts, If the American companies fold it will be lights out for the anime industry in Japan, and then there will be no more anime. It's that simple. Right now the reason a majority of the shows in Japan are being able to be finished is because of the American companies picking up the Liscenses, if they fold shows will not only stop in mid stream, but will go away all together.
This is a crusade my brother has been on for 3 years now and has been met with anger, hatred and vitriol, but he keeps going because he doesn't want to see the industry vanish, and that's exactly what will happen.
Think about it, a few years ago when the parent company for Suncoast Video went bankrupt it was not long before several major anime studio's in Japan had to close. Could it be that the decrease in American Sales ment that the companies couldn't liscnese shows, and as a result the studio's had to close? Just makes sense my friends.
Anyway it's becoming a hot topic in the anime community. I personally think that fans helped create the anime industry and it will have to be fans that save it from themselves. If you want to know what you can do...
1. stop downloading and bit torrenting if you are.
2. let your friends who do this know how they're going to end up losing something they love, becuase of greed or whatever reason they have for doing it.
3. let your local conventions know that you don't want fan subs shown at the convention as it's hurting the industry, and will eventually cause it's collapse.
Other than that, We'll have to see if fans end up doing the right thing. Oh and for your friends who think the Japanese don't care about all of this. Take a look at the video of Nabashin on Greg's Bootlegging and Fansubbing panel from Onicon 07. It will help open your eyes. You can find it at
Hope everyone is well and I'm glad to be back.
Love and Laughter Always