Nov 02, 2003 23:42
Ok, first of all, i'd like to apologize to everyone for the last post I put up. It was kind of an emotional outlet I needed. But things have calmed down a lot for me and I want to say thanks to Amythyst and innocentlies for hanging out with me and being cool. Just as a quick update, the Flogging Molly concert I went to with cacstusstar and cleowulf rocked! Not only did I get to see them live, there was this cute guy behind me for a lot of the night too. He gave me a hug after the concert was over. :) Halloween was a lot of fun, mostly due to the rocking costume that cactusstar basically designed and created for me. You rock. Friday was payday, so here is my official THANK GOD! Money is good. And I've had a pretty good weekend watching movies and haning out. And tomorrow I get to go to Amythyst's class and be flaming for her presentation. It will be fun. Life is pretty good right now.