Not sure how I'm feeling. :(

May 21, 2008 22:30

Things have been really fantastic lately, what with me (now officially) being promoted to Beaver Leader and running my own group, and a trip to Barcelona coming up soon, I have wanted to go to Barcelona for years!

But in true good-period style, not so good things occur.

My sister ha somehow hijacked the trip to Barcelona and is now coming with us. We're actually going to my auntie's house a couple of hours away for half of the time, then staying in Barcelona for two nights. As I said above, I've wanted to go there for years and it is a present to me from my parents. Instead of having a party for my 21st last January I am instead going away to Barcelona...but now my sister has hijacked the trip. :(

My mum said that she rang up wanting to come home the first week of June, so my mum had to say we wouldn't be there...and somehow she ended up getting invited on the trip (I can't blame my mum for it really, she is her daughter too).

It may sound like I'm being selfish, but it's not like that. My sister and I do not get along, we don't actually communicate anymore, aside from the must have questions in life (like where is mum? lol). She's never treated me very nicely in my life and the last time we were on a holiday together she made some nasty comments and that was only a couple of years ago.

I just can't deal with her being there on what was always MY trip, something I'd wanted to do for years, finally being able to do it. I love spending time with my parents, it's something I always make time for, but not her.

My mum is going to talk to her and explain that we've already booked a hotel for Barcelona and that we can't afford to get her a room too...and suggest that she could stay with my auntie and uncle a few days longer. It would be a compromise. Whilst she'd be coming on our trip, we'd get the Barcelona bit to ourselves...which is the only bit I'm bothered about! It's MY trip and I don't want her to spoil it for me.

I'm not angry about it really...I'm more upset.

barcelona, sister

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