May 07, 2008 20:24
Today has been a really eventful day - yet I haven't done very much.
I spent most of the day doing washing, which I'm sure if you read the post before this, you will have discovered the first piece of eventfulness.
Secondly, I had 2 Beaver Meetings - both had their own events. The first one I got to do something for a change (which I haven't done very much over the past year) and I took 3 Beavers onto a field where they hid some brightly coloured objects. Only trouble is, one of them got thrown into a big muddy piece of prickly grass (the other leader ended up going in for it) and then we lost another item - both green! Whose idea was it to use green objects in a green field? *rolls eyes*
The second meeting was great, we planted some little seedlings and it was enjoyable - the kids were great and so was the activity. Then came the randomest conversation ever, a woman (who I don't know the name of) was talking to me about an AGM next week and then randomly asked me if I played netball...weird thing to ask someone you don't know! Then I found out the assistant leader is leaving, which made me decide I WILL become the Beaver Leader of that group. I had reservations because the other woman would have been used to things as they are and if I wanted to change anything, it might not go down too well.
So it's offical (well it will be when I tell the District Commissioner) I will be running my own Beaver group from September.
Before that I got a phone call asking me to go to a black tie dinner - something to do with a furniture company doing some charity work so they set up a "charity of the year" award. It was suggested that the place I volunteer, make sure they attend, which suggests they may be runners up...or better still, could have won! I have to dress up formally - which I'm not very good at doing usually, lol.
Finally, I went shopping in ASDA for some strawberries, which they didn't have, so I bought some other stuff...and on the way around I accidentally tipped over my little seedling in it's pot - making compost go all over the floor. I didn't know what to do, so I just ran off, haha.
I need to go ring up the DC, so for now
Fifth Sister xoxo