Sylar's is an evil laugh!

May 22, 2007 15:26

The first thing I have to say about the Heroes season finale is that it had possibly the best episode title ever. It sounds like it's going to spawn a self-help book--"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Stopping an Exploding Man!"


Fortunately--if I may shamelessly steal a line from Peter--it didn't take.

OMG. Okay. First of all, the only reason I still have a shred of sanity (debatable, I know) is because I'm almost sure Sylar still lives. The trail of blood leading to the manhole cover was a pretty dead giveaway that he's just crawled away to lick his wounds. I'm not sure how he survived being stabbed through the chest (although I have theories), and I have no idea how everyone managed to miss him crawling (or being dragged?) away, but at this point I don't care because HE'S ALIVE AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS.


More random thoughts in no particular order:

• So the season ended and we still didn't really get a big battle between Sylar and Peter, which was sad. Honestly, I'm not as upset about it as some people are, because there is more to Heroes than super!cool battle scenes. But still, they could easily have cut out some of the more pointless stuff in this episode in order to leave more time for a Peter-Sylar battle at the end. Like, for example, the Peter/Simone flashback/dream sequence/whatever conversation. POINTLESS WASTE OF TIME. I can understand the scenes with Mr. Deveaux, but why Simone? Nngh.

But oh well, at least we did get a little bit of an "old fashioned brawl-down," as Zachary Quinto would say. And also--whoever it was that decided there would be SYLAR WHUMPAGE in this episode officially owns the rights to my firstborn. *flails around*

• I did like the episode, but I thought the ending was a bit anti-climactic. It was pretty predictible that Nathan would eventually go against his Evil Mother's wishes and fly in to save the day. I really didn't think he would be able to live with himself if he let the bomb go off, regardless of how much power it would bring him. Of course, the main question now is, did Nathan survive the blast? I'm almost positive Peter did, since he has Claire's regenerative power, but Nathan may not have been so lucky.

• OMG MATT, YOU ARE SO STUPID. LOVEABLE, BUT STUPID. Seriously, what was he thinking, running in and trying to shoot Sylar like that? Matt knew from experience--or at least, he should have known--that attempting to shoot Sylar is an exercise in futility because of Sylar's telekinesis. But I have to say, even though I like Matt and I very much don't want him to die, it was MADE OF AWESOME when Sylar stopped the bullets in mid-air and sent them flying back at Matt. PWNNNNNN.

• Continuing on from the last point, I have a feeling Sylar was a Star Wars fan growing up, because he was Darth Vader in this episode. The telekinetic chokehold (FTW!), the stopping bullets in mid-air, the excessive use of black in his wardrobe (not that I'm complaining, because he looks especially hot in black). It owned, a lot.

• The Hiro-stabbing-Sylar scene really bothered me. No, not just because my favorite character nearly died, but because it didn't make sense. Sylar should have been able to stop Hiro easily--why did he just stand there while Hiro gutted him? True, Hiro's sudden appearance caught him off guard. And overconfidence was definitely a factor--Sylar made it clear that he didn't consider Hiro a threat. But when there's a guy running at you screaming and brandishing a sword, wouldn't you at least attempt to defend yourself? I think it would have made more sense if Hiro had teleported in right next to Sylar instead of several feet away, and gutted him before Sylar even had a chance to react.

• OMG HRG'S FIRST NAME IS NOAH. HE ACTUALLY HAS A FIRST NAME! I'm not sure how I feel about it being Noah. When I think "Noah," I think about an old bearded guy building an ark. :p I think I'll probably keep calling him HRG, anyway, just since that's what I've gotten used to.

• I'm confused about Candice. In "Landslide," it was implied that her normal, Missy Peregrym form isn't actually what the real Candice looks like. During her conversation with Micah, she referred to herself as "huge," and gave a little speech about how the world sucks because people don't accept others who are different from them. Since no one in their right mind would call Missy Peregrym "huge," this led to a lot of speculation that the real Candice is overweight and that she was teased about it growing up, which is probably supposed to explain why she has such a massive attitude problem. But in last night's episode, when she was posing as Jessica and Niki knocked her out, she was no longer able to maintain the illusion and morphed back into her Missy Peregrym form. But if that isn't actually her real form, shouldn't she have morphed into her presumably overweight self? I guess either the writers goofed, or she was just screwing around with Micah when she called herself "huge."

• Speaking of Micah, he and Molly are so going to get married someday. Mark it down.

• Mohinder and Molly are still the cutest thing on planet Earth. "You don't understand how important she is to me...I'm responsible for her life!" *WIBBLE* I love Mo!

• WHY IS DL STILL ALIVE? Granted, I'm no expert on gunshot wounds, but I'm pretty sure that taking a bullet in the gut has pretty drastic consequences unless you get medical attention right away. Not only did DL not get any medical attention, he spent part of the episode hobbling around, which had to have aggravated the wound even more. How has he not bled out yet?

• Loved the Peter/Claire angst at the end! Sigh. Their love is so...uh, pure. And stuff.

• A lot of people seem to be missing the point rather spectacularly regarding the cockroach near the end of the episode. NO, PEOPLE, SYLAR DID NOT TURN HIMSELF INTO A COCKROACH. It's symbolic. In the first episode of the show, Mohinder talked about how the cockroach is supposedly the highest-evolved lifeform on the planet because it can survive virtually anything. The cockroach crawling on the cover of the manhole where Sylar presumably disappeared is supposed to indicate that Sylar, like a roach, can apparently survive just about anything. Plus, this isn't the first time that a cockroach has been shown in conjunction with Sylar--there was at least one crawling around him while he was drugged to the gills in the Primatech holding cell. Therefore, the roach is a metaphor for Sylar, but the roach itself is not Sylar.

Now watch me be totally wrong, and next season we find out that Sylar has the ability to transform himself into animals. :p

• I'm going to go hibernate now. Wake me up when season two starts!

heroes, star wars

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