Work and play, but never okay, to mix the way we do.

Sep 06, 2004 21:14

So I haven't written in this journal in almost 3 months and in that time I have driven across the country and back, seen many a good show, been to Six Flags more than any normal person could ever imagine going, killed my car on the L.I.E, purchased a brand new (well not actually, but close enough) beastie, and have been hanging out, barbecuing, beaching, enjoying myself and working like a champ.

I guess some kind of explanation of these events is in order, so I'm going to try to make them somewhat brief.


States visited: NY, NJ, MD, [DC], VA, TN, OK, AR, TX, AZ, NM, NV, CA, UT, CO, NB, IN, IO, IL, OH, PA.

Highlights and Lowlights included:
-Armand Ortega's Long Island Lovin' and the haunted Mae West room at the El Rancho in Gallup, NM.
-Breaking into the Rio Grande National Preserve while blasting Duran Duran's "Rio."
-Fights, broken radiators, fireworks, rollercoasters and all that unruliness that is Las Vegas.
-Shark catching, beach combing and hopping and cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway en route to said southern beaches.
-Dropping my cellphone in the toilet, after I had tinkled and not being able to call or hang out with all the good people I had planned to see.
-Christine, who forgot her phone at home, who I was supposed to meet at Warped Tour, spotting me at Six Flags, on the same line, at the same time.
-Flying at Magic Mountain with Val.
-Tire blowouts, more radiator leakage entering the Grand Canyon and the loving help of Petie Jesus and Mary and Joseph from Denver.
-"Our God is an awesome God!"
-"Are you girls in town for the beauty pageant?"
-Heatstroke, Conjunctivitus, 'THAT TIME OF THE MONTH' etc.
-Hooking up with the genius that is Thadius Butler on the Hollywood Strip. REDEMPTION RECORDS HOLLA!
-Val stepping in the La Brea Tar Pits and getting it all over her feet. And legs. And hands. And, well, pretty much everything.
-Shopping on Sunset, Melrose, and finding Bubble Tea. Who knew?
-Deliriousness on the final stretch and traffic violations up the wazoo.

There's so much more, but rather than just laundry list, i'll show some pictures. Go here:

Fast forward from July to September…I finally moved into my new dorm completely today and set some things up. Yuni and I did tons of errands and got some awesome St. Alps, and viewed the art exhibits all along University Place. The roomies seem really cool so far, so that’s a bonus.

I guess when things are going well, I don't choose to write in here. I hope that thread continues because I hate down and out rants. I am looking forward to classes at NYU (ummmm, not so much now that its approaching lateness) but I’m kinda anxious about the internship at Razor & Tie. Whatever, we’ll see how that goes. As far as next summer goes, I’ve been thinking and I think i'll go back to Hollywood for a little vacation. It’s no NY, but hey. I need to realize that it is autumn now though. Haha. Stupid temperature change.

Let’s see, what else? There are some super great shows coming up including some SoCo, Yellowcard, Spitalfield, Home Grown, the usual. ROCK. Hope to see all of you kids there.
Alright, I have tons of crap to get done before class tomorrow.

And I’m out…
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