My turn.

Jul 18, 2006 11:40

mrpot had these questions for me:

1. Has 10,000 Days grown on you more since we last talked? Do you still consider Lateralus superior? Far superior? 10,000 days has grown on me a lot, but it still isn't anywhere near as awesome as Lateralus. It is still some of the best music out there though. I find 10,000 to be depressing actually, and it's strange but after it came out I found myself feeling more depressed. I knew that I loved tool but I guess I didn’t know I loved them that much. The whole album reminds me of death, which I think was the point but god damn I'm depressed enough. What I need is some uplifting. "Ride the Spiral to the end, we may just go where no one's been ...spiral out, keep going, spiral out, keep going"

2. Do you really enjoy City Club or do you just go because that's where your friends (and boyfriend) go? I hate city club. I hate how hot it is in the summer, how cold it is in the winter, how fucking dirty it is, and I hate a lot of the people there as well. It use to be that you could get fucked up and go to city club and it was open till 4 so that gave u a long time to ride your trip/roll/high whatever, but then you learn that wasting you drugs on city club is gay because there isn't any cool music and there isn't anything fun too look at (its mostly dark with some ugly people). I'm actually on a club strike right now. After going to necto last week I don't want to go to a club ever again.... that is until a club starts playing better music at least because then I could at least enjoy that part of it. It sucks though, because any other club besides city I would waste tones of money on drinks and not getting drunk at all. At least at city I can spend $6 on a drink and be good for the rest of the night. To answer the question, whenever I move out of this state I will not miss city club.

3. Do you think the effects of hallucinogens such as LSD are purely illusory, true in that they open up sensory factories to which you don't usually have access, or both? Hallucinogens can and do change a persons way of thinking. LSD changed me. Drugs in general changed me, for the better. I don't think drugs are looked at anymore though as a "spiritual experience" anymore. Drugs are just looked at as a way to get fucked up and be defiant, hallucinogens included. I'm not even sure if too many pure hallucinogens exist anymore, did they ever? Is there really such a thing as LSD, mescaline, ecstasy even, amt and all the experimental drugs? Is it all just the same drug rehashed under a new name? Are drugs just one big melting pot of substances that are sent out to just give kids a cheep high? Pretty much unless you make it yourself. Even pot has been known to have other things in it to get you higher. I think hallucinogens can open up sensory factories which we don't normally use and this world would be a better place if everyone tried lsd haha, but at the same time I really do think that all drugs do to a person is enhance who they are ...which is why children are told that they will become dumb if they use drugs, because well, most of the people in this world are dumb and a lot of them use drugs. I still admire Aldous Huxley though who asked for an lsd iv on his death bed...and his wife gave it to him.

4. Did you have any impressions of my ex-girlfriend? If so, what? (and don't worry about her reading this, I'm fairly sure she stopped reading my LJ)Impressions of your ex-g/f ...well I heard that she was married, though I don't know how true that is. If she was married and dating you then tisk tisk, even though marriage is only for health insurance and tax breaks. If she wasn't married well then good and she didn't seem like a hoe so she was ok in my book.

5. Do you believe that both time and space are only realities constructed by the human mind (or of other creatures) or do you think they exist on their own otherwise? This question reminds me of the question do you believe math was invented or discovered? We discovered trees and rocks and salt water bitches, we invent math and time and space and mtv. I mean really, how could we function if we didn't have some kind of set boundaries which to abide by. We couldn't have mass transit or appointments or anything if we didn't have time, a set schedule if you will. We made time so people would show up to work on time. We discovered that the son rises and sets everyday so we invented a way to make sense of it. Like daylight savings time, what the fuck is that? I mean I know where it comes from but seriously oh look on these specific days time isn't as regular as you thought it was, we must readjust our "discovery" to make it fit our life styles better (sound very american if you ask me haha). Personally I don't think that time really exists beyond what we make of it and there really is no calendar and ever day the sun rises and sets it is merely the same day over and over again, we just found a way to make it more convenient.


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
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