I'm still gathering contributions for the
Epic Doctor/Rose Post Project and will be for a while so that people can have time to figure out their favorite Doctor/Rose moments, or to find links to various Doctor/Rose stuff. I've already received some wonderful contributions, so a big thank you to all of you who have contributed thus far! :D
Remember, I want the end result to be EPIC, so feel free to post as many of your favorite moments as you'd like! :D And they don't even have to be your favorite moments. You can post your favorite Doctor/Rose fanvids, your favorite pictures of the Doctor and Rose, your favorite fanfics, quotes, etc.
I'll keep gathering contributions until sometime between June 10 - June 15. I'll post reminders now and then for everyone because I know posts tend to get lost amongst others in the crazy world that is the flist. :)
Thanks again! :D