I should make this quick because I have a big weekend planned and I need some sleep to get through it all. =D
I forgot to note the party I went to last weekend, a birthday party for Matt W and his gf Amy. I was sure Matt would have forgotton me because it had been such a long time since I'd seen him, and it felt wierd to be crashing his party. Especially so because I didn't know anyone. But he did remember me. (I suppose the two Matt's and I walking through the neighbourhood singing Tenacious D rather too loudly for the time of night might be hard to forget. Good times.) He looks exactly the same except bigger muscles and slightly different hair. (What is with blokes and the quest for big muscles, anyway? I just don't understand it. Sometimes when anyone mentions Luke I giggle internally because thinking of him always brings a picture of his calf muscles into my head, and they're about as big as it.) Some of Matt's friends bought him a kids Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt (some in-joke, I'd presume) and we don't know how he got himself into it. Poured himself in, perhaps. He kept flexing for photos and I swear the material was about to give. Boys are silleh.
Memory is a funny thing. They say smell is the sense that triggers the most or clearest memories, which is funny because I remembered about the party today when I got my jacket out to wash because it smelled like campfire. (We sat near the fire so our clothes got very smoky.) It was suggested to me recently that it might be nice to hold a wedding near the ocean or in an orchard, which I think is a great idea because everytime you went to the beach or smelled citrus or apples you'd have sweet memories. Hehehe, but enough mushy stuff. ^^'
Mel has a journal! It appears to be friends only, so add
misspennycarrol and if she adds you back you'll be able to read it. Halina also has a journal if you haven't noticed by now, it's
Let's end with some humour! I know some of you are really going to like this. I think technically it should be "snake" not "snakes" but it's so awesome I don't mind. Presenting:
All Your Snakes Are Belong To Us! Tell me what you think. =D