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Comments 11

redheadedjokers June 1 2006, 05:30:18 UTC
The twins hadn't made it as far as their rooms. They'd been lucky to get out of the lab. One hundred more of each doll crowded into the spare room next to Ginny's. All in a night's work... The latest (and largest) batch of dolls was done and, with any luck, these would sustain the shop long enough for the twins to a) get some sleep, b) re-stock other areas of the shop and c) get the books back under control ( ... )


ginny_afire June 1 2006, 05:41:15 UTC
Ginny leaned into the comforting support of George's arm and hid her face against his shirt, no longer caring that she felt eleven years old. She was simply happy to have a shoulder to hide her face against.

"Harry's a prat," she mumbled, muffled against his shoulder with watery outrage. "An absolute prat. Not only did he stand me up but he- He-!"

She began to sputter again as she started to work herself back up into a righteous fury. When she lifted her face again to glare at George, her eyes were snapping once more, "He was out all hours of the night and said that he 'simply couldn't tell me'."

She mimicked Harry's tones as a good deal more pompus. Ginny scowled darkly before continuing, "He thought I was Malfoy when he got home and he was so rude 'bout it. We fought and he's gone and kissed Malfoy - or Malfoy kissed him - and he didn't tell me."


redheadedjokers June 1 2006, 05:49:50 UTC
George's arms closed around Ginny, slowly drawing her over to the couch so she could sit down. She was babbling... almost incoherently and crying?!?! Ginny didn't cry... Well, she did, but not often...

George managed to understand "Harry, prat and Draco... and something about a kiss."

"Okay... slow down, Gin..." he said gently, pulling her down to the sofa, between him and Fred. Reaching behind him, he grabbed a pillow off the couch and threw it hard at Fred's head. "Hey wake up."

"Make the room stop bouncing," Fred cried, belatedly waving off the attack. That just prompted George to grab another pillow. This time, instead of throwing it, he hit his twin several times, until he woke up. "Bloody hell! What's going on?"

Fred sat up and glared over Ginny's head at George, for a moment. "Shut up, you idiot," George retorted, then turned his attention back to Ginny. "Okay... one more time... What happened?"


ginny_afire June 1 2006, 06:11:04 UTC
Ginny followed the gentle prodding to the couch obediently and she collapsed into the cushions. She reached out and gathered the cushion that had bounced off of Fred's head against her stomach, folding her arms around it and resting her chin on it while George pummled their brother into conciousness.

"I was s'posed to have dinner with Harry tonight," Ginny repeated obediently as she rubbed a hand over her nose that had gone blotchy. Ruddy complexion. Not only did the sun cause her to be covered in spots, but the moment her eyes teared up, it left her all red and splotchy.

She lifted her chin up, to keep from mumbling into the pillow, "He didn't show up f'r hours and hours. When he did get home, he thought I was Draco and was all put out that I wasn't bloody Malfoy ( ... )


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