Extra! Extra! Special Edition Daily Prophet! Severus Snape Pardoned!

Mar 04, 2006 22:48

Date: Saturday, 4 March, 2000
Time: Special Edition, late evening
Character Involved: The Daily Prophet
Status: Complete
Rating: G

Wizengamot Issues Pardon For Severus Snape, Dumbledore's Murderer!
He has already been released and escorted by Ministry Officials to his home in Yorkshire.

Is this the case of dissent within the ranks of our Ministry? While the legislative officials worked tirelessly on the new laws designed to protect the safety of our community, the Wizengamot was passing down what is potentially the most shocking decision in its controversial history.

In a statement released at nearly ten o'clock this evening, we have been officially informed of the fate of Severus Snape, 40, formerly Hogwarts Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House. Our readers will recall that he was forced to leave his position, and the school, on the run after killing Albus Dumbledore in cold blood. Harry Potter himself was witness to the savage murder.

The official statement, then, released directly from the court records themselves, is as follows:

This court has reviewed testimony left on behalf of Severus Malcom Kane Snape by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, held in keeping by Aberforth Dumbledore until the confirmed and final death of You-Know-Who. This testimony has been verified and clarified by Remus John Lupin in regards to the weighty importance of the information provided by Severus Snape over the course of the war.

This court has tried the accused and found him not guilty of the crimes for which he had been accused, by reason of necessity and for the greater good in times of War. Nothing can exonerate Severus Snape of the crime of having been a Death Eater, and he will be subject to the same registration regulations as all other Death Eaters who are granted liberty.

This is issue of a full Pardon of all other crimes.

In addition, Albus Dumbledore submitted a nomination for Severus Snape for the Order of Merlin, First Class, for valor and courage far above and beyond the call of duty in his role as spy for the Side of Light.

This shocking information is scarcely to be comprehended, but the truth of it has been confirmed by no less than twenty members of the Wizengamot. Matilda Jergins was available for a brief comment.

"Listen, when Dumbledore himself says he told the bloke to do it, well, have you ever had Dumbledore look at you that way? I mean, honestly... dead or not, pensieve or not, it was bloody intense. Albus believed what he was saying, anyway. I voted for pardon."

Our readers are left with the irrefutable fact that Severus Snape, known murderer and convicted Death Eater, now walks among us. A man allied with werewolves, so 'close' in with You-Know-Who as to be able to get to information so secret and so important as to be able to turn the tide of the war?

How do we know Severus Snape is not setting himself up to be the next Dark Lord?

What are our officials, who are supposed to be protecting us from these dangers, thinking?

The public is encouraged to continue to practise heightened personal and home security.

On a related note, we find that Dumbledore also arranged for submission of nominations for the Order of Merlin, First Class, for Remus John Lupin, afore-mentioned werewolf ally of Death Eater Severus Snape, and, ironically, Harry James Potter, our Hero of Light, the Saviour of our World.

Surely Dumbledore had his reasons for preparing these three nominations for simultaneous submission even before his tragic murder, but like so many of his actions, those reasons defy this reporter's comprehension.

publication: daily prophet, status: complete, status: admin announcements

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