Special Delivery For Rita Skeeter

Apr 15, 2006 16:12

Date: April 15, 2000
Time: Late Morning
Location: Undisclosed Location
Character(s) Involved: Gred and Forge and Rita Skeeter
Complete or incomplete: Complete
Rating: PG

Oh! Skeeter had gone too far this time! While her last articles had been amusing, this latest, combined with Harry's threat was just too much!

Fred and George didn't even wait for Ginny to come downstairs and see the paper. They instantly burned it and headed straight for their "emergency stash"... The place where they kept disguises and special items. Pulling on a pair of gloves each, the twins went downstairs to raid the shop, before it opened. They pulled a good dozen Quick MIS-Quote Quills, in the exact shade of hideous green that Skeeter was so very fond of.

These they wrapped in a nice matching green velvet pouch and then in plain brown paper, tying the package with generic butcher's twine.

Fred and George then repared to their lab, where they cleared an area and cleaned it as best as possible. George, being the writer, then sat down, with a plain quill and black ink, to compose a note. He wrote left handed, to further disguise his hand writing.

Dear Ms Skeeter,

I must congradulate you on your latest article! Potter and Malfoy dating?!?! That poor, poor, Miss Weasley! Thank Merlin, you're around to root out the truth of the matter, before that girl went and did something foolish!

Do you think there is anything to worry about? What with Our Savior becoming involved with a Malfoy? One who's currently living under the next Dark Lord's roof? Malfoy and Snape have surely found a way to brainwash the young Mr. Potter!

Please, Ms Skeeter! We beg you to continue with your reports. If things are about to turn sour again, after barely two months of peace, your public deserves to know!


A Loyal Fan.

P.S. - Please accept this fresh supply of Quick Quotes Quills. With all the you've been doing this past month and a half, you must be low on supplies.

George finished the note and waited for the ink to dry. Fred, in the meantime, had gotten into the Muggle costume make-up downstairs. With a tight, stocking cap over his hair, he applied a brown foundation to his face and exposed skin, then donned a wig of longish black hair, bushy beard and mustashe and robes, to take on the appearance of a Swami.

By the time Fred was done, George had rolled up his note and secured it to the package. This he handed to his twin, who apparated just outside of the Leaky Cauldron and made his way carefully through the morning crowd, out into Diagon Alley. Fred went straight away to the Post Office and paid a few sickles to hire an Owl to deliver the gift. He then took a route back to the Leaky Cauldron and out to the street, before apparating back to the shop.

character: george weasley, status: complete, location: weasleys wizard wheezes, type: owl post, character: rita skeeter, character: fred weasley

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