A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way. ~John Tudor

Apr 15, 2006 14:51

Date: April 15, 2000
Time: Morning
Location: Grimmauld Place
Character(s) Involved: Examples: Harry Potter
Complete or Incomplete: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for language

Harry woke early, in a good mood. It was Saturday, which meant Ginny had the day off work - all day off. They had plans to have tea with some Ministry Official regarding the attempt to sabotage her potions assessment, but besides that - Harry expected to have Ginny all to himself for the rest of the day. That alone was going to make it hard to put a damper on his mood, his day, his life at that moment.

Hard, but not impossible.

With a piece of toast hanging haphazardly from his lips, Harry hopped backwards on one booted foot while the other was stamped into its stubborn footwear. Scooping up The Prophet off the endtable it was unceremoniously dropped off on by a delivery owl, Harry tucked it under his arm as he headed into the sitting room. Flopping into his favorite armchair, Harry tossed his half eaten toast on the new coffee table, sending a fine spray of crumbs flying across the wooden surface. Pulling out The Prophet from under his arm, he snapped it open and flipped through it casually and quickly.

This was a morning routine for Harry. Checking to see what, if anything, was being said about him as well as what was going on int he world as a whole. since Ginny's injury, things had been relatively quiet - which could be a good or bad thing. It was either a sign that things were calming down or that something big was on the horizon. Unfortunately, it typically turned out to be the latter.

Harry skimmed from the back of the paper, to the front. Although he tended to make front page news when the paper found something to report, usually inaccurately, about him - he knew better than to skip over the smaller articles in the back. You never knew what got buried in a subtle attempt to do damage unnoticed. So, he reached Skeeter's article just before closing the paper and declaring it a no news day. No such luck.

Harry's open mouth and eyes grew wider at each sentence.

'...possibly as more than just friends.' We aren't even friends?! Not really...he's more of a acquaintance. Alright, a bit more than that...but not friends!

'...are they two passionately entwined souls coming together beneath the cover of night and our own ignorance?' Merlin, that even sounds bloody ridiculous. Where the hell does she come up with this rubbish?

'Rarely seen out of each other’s sights...' Are they kidding? I barely see him as it is!

'It is a fact, my lovely readers, that Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are lovers.'


status: complete, location: grimmauld place, character: harry potter

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