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Cocktails, 5:30 - 6:00 pm prof_stargazer March 14 2008, 11:59:22 UTC


5:30 littleliterary March 14 2008, 16:48:36 UTC
Alcohol again. Well, Hermione was absolutely certain that she wouldn't let herself go overboard this time. The last time she had champagne, she started going into a history of French thieves and went home to bed a man.

Not this time, Hermione, she said to herself as she grabbed a curious-looking cocktail and stood with an arm across her stomach.

She was wearing a pale yellow dress that coincidentally went very well with the wedding decorations, as well as the jewelry Harry had gotten her.


Re: Cocktails, 5:30 - 6:00 pm b_lavender March 15 2008, 01:09:20 UTC
Lavender was surprised at herself. Not only had she found a new job, but she had been invited to someone's wedding. The wedding itself had been wonderful and Lavender was grateful that her former professor and her current employer had invited her.

Deciding that a celebratory drink was in order, Lavender approached the bar at the end of the room and ordered herself a glass of champagne. She was taking her first sip when she noticed Hermione not too far away. Should she say something? Sighing heavily with nerves, Lavender decided she should break the ice, so to speak.

"Hello, Hermione," she said. Then, deciding that a compliment is always in order in awkward situations, Lavender continued, "That's a beautiful necklace."


6:00 prongs_struts March 15 2008, 02:50:11 UTC
Harry had been caught speaking to other people around, speaking about what a lovely wedding it was, how beautiful the bride was, etc. Things that were completely uninteresting to a young man, however Harry was rather good at feigning interest. When he finally broke away, he spotted Hermione at the bar with Lavender, of all people. Best to steer clear of that, particularly if Hermione and Lavender happened to be discussing Ron. He sighed and wandered near the bar, tugging at his tie just a bit. He really hated ties.


5:35 littleliterary March 15 2008, 15:03:09 UTC
"Hello, Lavender," Hermione said warmly. Now that she was falling rapidly in love with someone who didn't have red hair and freckles, Hermione found herself without hate for the blonde standing in front of her. She took another sip of her drink, carefully pacing herself, and vaguely wondered where both Harry and Ron were at this moment. What would they think of seeing herself and Lavender on good speaking terms?

"Thank you! It was a gift from Har- a friend," she caught herself just in time.


Re: 5:35 b_lavender March 15 2008, 15:23:05 UTC
All of Lavender's nerves turned rapidly to confusion as Hermione seemed to welcome the greeting. Lavender had been expecting a cold shoulder or perhaps a sarcastic tone of voice, but Hermione was being friendly.

"A friend, hm?" Lavender replied, catching on to the subtle change of words. She was a girl after all and her gossip radar was fully functioning. Then, Lavender realized whom Hermione was speaking about. Don't get upset, Lavender. You're over Ron, remember?

"Well, your friend is very generous, whoever it is," Lavender said, deciding to play along instead of probing Hermione for more information, like she would have done otherwise. Ron was a still a delicate subject for Lavender, no matter how over him she really was.


5:40 littleliterary March 16 2008, 14:06:30 UTC
"Yes, he is. And I'm not referring to Ron, if that's who you're thinking of," Hermione felt the need to clarify. She didn't need any gossip going around about Ron giving her expensive gifts- Harry might hear it and think it was true.

Hermione didn't have a drinking problem at all, but she found that sipping her cocktail was a welcome distraction from the awkwardness of speaking to Lavender like this. Her one-drink-rule was starting to go out the nearest window.

"So, erm. How are you?"


Re: 5:40 b_lavender March 16 2008, 16:37:26 UTC
"Oh," Lavender intelligently responded. Was her face that easy to read? Wait, if Hermione isn't talking about Ron, then who gave her the necklace? Lavender wondered. Hermione had changed the subject, though, so Lavender didn't get a chance to ask.

"I'm great, actually. I have a new job at Trésor Littéraire," Lavender said. "That's how I got an invite to the wedding."

"And how are you?" Lavender asked in return. It was strange, chatting with Hermione like this. They had never really gotten along at Hogwarts and they were certainly, in Lavender's mind, never going to be friends. But at least they could have an adult conversation with each other.


Re: 5:40 littleliterary March 19 2008, 00:19:11 UTC
"Wow. That's great, congratulations."

Hermione played around with her necklace absently and tried to keep a pleasant smile on her face. She really was happy for Lavender. The blonde was usually misunderstood, and far be it for her to hold a grudge about something that happened so many years ago. It wasn't as if it was Lavender's fault for developing a crush on her single friend.

"I'm doing well. A lot better than a few weeks ago," she said in reference to the Magical Menagerie confrontation. "I hope that... well I hope that Ron didn't hurt you too much. He has a way of stringing people along."


Re: 5:40 b_lavender March 19 2008, 04:23:53 UTC
Lavender laughed. "I found that out the hard way... twice," she said. Then she shrugged. "I suppose he taught me a lesson about jumping back into relationships too quickly."

Taking a sip of champagne to hide her embarrassment, Lavender wondered if the same comment could be applied to Hermione.

"I hope he didn't hurt you, either. I would never have stepped into that shop if I had known..." Lavender trailed off, turning her gaze to her champagne. This was quickly becoming the most awkward conversation Lavender had ever had. She just hoped that it would end soon or that Hermione would change the subject.


5:50 littleliterary March 19 2008, 12:21:36 UTC
"Let's just say that he's a better best-friend than a boyfriend, at least in my experience."

Hermione finished off her glass and set it back down on the bar. She looked around the room for familiar faces, but found mostly family of the bride and groom.

She tucked a piece of her hair back behind her ear and thought about what to say next. As awkward as this conversation was, Lavender wasn't all that bad these days. She didn't speak with that annoying high-pitched voice and her choices of topics weren't about lipstick and Witch Weekly.

"You should try being mates with him?" It was a statement that turned out to be a question because she didn't exactly know why she was saying it. "I mean, he can be an amazing friend, as long as your heart doesn't get caught up in things."

Hermione was actually starting to miss Ron's friendship. She figured he was avoiding her because she made it friendship or nothing. Well, that had been her decision, and she was sticking to it.


Re: 5:50 b_lavender March 19 2008, 23:20:47 UTC
The fact that Hermione had admitted Ron was a better friend than boyfriend surprised Lavender. She had always thought that Hermione and Ron had gotten on really well. Ron had clearly always wanted Hermione over her. One person's trash was apparently another person's treasure.

Lavender rolled her eyes to Hermione's friend suggestion. "I tried suggesting the 'friends' idea to Ron, because he is fun to be around. But he didn't like the idea," Lavender said, a little annoyed.

"Well," Lavender said, noticing that many people had started seating themselves for dinner, "I suppose it's time to eat. I'm glad we got to talk, Hermione. See you... around?" Lavender wasn't sure how to end their conversation, but she was a little relieved to leave the bar.


5:30 dmalfoy_purbld March 15 2008, 00:03:25 UTC
Draco took Daphne's hand again and smiled briefly at her. He hoped it was reassuring. The ceremony had been lovely, and there was something about a wedding that seemed to inspire romance. Currently, that romance manifested as him wanting to prove himself the gallant gentleman. As if it needed to be proven.

"I'll be back in just a moment. Will you be all right if I go get us drinks?"

Outwardly, she'd been perfect. Outwardly, they both had. He knew she was uncomfortable. It wasn't familiarity with her that assured him of this. It was her hatred of werewolves. Still, he knew she would play the part perfectly, if only for him.

For himself, he knew very well he'd been on his best behaviour. Being one of perhaps three Slytherins, he hadn't recognized any others, meant there were precious few people who likely wanted him here. Part of him wondered if even the bride and groom wanted him here. Still, they had invited him. So if he wasn't wanted, it was not his fault.

However, having been invited, he'd made sure to place his ... )


Re: 5:30 laural_daphne March 15 2008, 00:46:53 UTC
Daphne sat down at a table. She nodded as Draco offered to get them drinks.

She had dressed simple yet elegant. Her light pink dress pludged a little too deep but not in a trashy way. She wanted a dress that caught Draco's attention. The silk draped down her body extenuating her curves and she wore no other jewelry but the lone snake pendant that Draco had given her when he picked her up.

The ceremony had been nice, and she had played nice. It was strange watching someone get married to a werewolf; that would be an awkward feeling that would never go away. And if Draco took her to Snape's wedding that would only increase her anxiety but her outward appearance was calm. She had to be calm. For Draco.


Re: 5:30 dmalfoy_purbld March 16 2008, 01:52:48 UTC
Draco returned shortly thereafter, carrying two glasses of white wine.

As he walked, he watched her, and a slight twitch of his lips was the only indication of a smile he allowed himself.

He stopped next to her and held out a glass, tilting his head. "Daphne."

How was it he ended up even bringing a date to this? He had RSVP'd with a date, but he'd thought it was mostly for appearances. Now, he found that he really did want her to be here with him. The problem was, he knew she hated everything the groom was. And he wondered what she thought of him forcing her to come with him.

Forcing. He nearly scoffed.


Re: 5:30 laural_daphne March 16 2008, 16:31:26 UTC
Daphne took the glass and smiled. "Thank you."

She watched the few guests that were around them intently. It was too much of her nature to be aware of her surroundings, and with this grouping in particular she wanted to watch everyone. But still she kept a smile on her face as she watched the interactions.

"Oh look, Lavender is here... I had drinks with her at the Gala. She seemed nice. It was unfortunate that..." She decided to leave out the interaction with his Aunt. Daphne took a sip of her wine.


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