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5:30 dmalfoy_purbld March 15 2008, 00:03:25 UTC
Draco took Daphne's hand again and smiled briefly at her. He hoped it was reassuring. The ceremony had been lovely, and there was something about a wedding that seemed to inspire romance. Currently, that romance manifested as him wanting to prove himself the gallant gentleman. As if it needed to be proven.

"I'll be back in just a moment. Will you be all right if I go get us drinks?"

Outwardly, she'd been perfect. Outwardly, they both had. He knew she was uncomfortable. It wasn't familiarity with her that assured him of this. It was her hatred of werewolves. Still, he knew she would play the part perfectly, if only for him.

For himself, he knew very well he'd been on his best behaviour. Being one of perhaps three Slytherins, he hadn't recognized any others, meant there were precious few people who likely wanted him here. Part of him wondered if even the bride and groom wanted him here. Still, they had invited him. So if he wasn't wanted, it was not his fault.

However, having been invited, he'd made sure to place his gift on the table along with the others. While he'd found something he thought would have been more appropriate under different circumstances, he'd finally resigned himself to brighter colors to avoid the silver trim the groom could not tolerate.

Currently though, he was concerned for his date. He knew she had to learn to handle herself under stress if she wanted to be with him, especially with the election this summer. Taking a deep breath, he reminded himself not to worry too much. She was a Slytherin. She could do this.


Re: 5:30 laural_daphne March 15 2008, 00:46:53 UTC
Daphne sat down at a table. She nodded as Draco offered to get them drinks.

She had dressed simple yet elegant. Her light pink dress pludged a little too deep but not in a trashy way. She wanted a dress that caught Draco's attention. The silk draped down her body extenuating her curves and she wore no other jewelry but the lone snake pendant that Draco had given her when he picked her up.

The ceremony had been nice, and she had played nice. It was strange watching someone get married to a werewolf; that would be an awkward feeling that would never go away. And if Draco took her to Snape's wedding that would only increase her anxiety but her outward appearance was calm. She had to be calm. For Draco.


Re: 5:30 dmalfoy_purbld March 16 2008, 01:52:48 UTC
Draco returned shortly thereafter, carrying two glasses of white wine.

As he walked, he watched her, and a slight twitch of his lips was the only indication of a smile he allowed himself.

He stopped next to her and held out a glass, tilting his head. "Daphne."

How was it he ended up even bringing a date to this? He had RSVP'd with a date, but he'd thought it was mostly for appearances. Now, he found that he really did want her to be here with him. The problem was, he knew she hated everything the groom was. And he wondered what she thought of him forcing her to come with him.

Forcing. He nearly scoffed.


Re: 5:30 laural_daphne March 16 2008, 16:31:26 UTC
Daphne took the glass and smiled. "Thank you."

She watched the few guests that were around them intently. It was too much of her nature to be aware of her surroundings, and with this grouping in particular she wanted to watch everyone. But still she kept a smile on her face as she watched the interactions.

"Oh look, Lavender is here... I had drinks with her at the Gala. She seemed nice. It was unfortunate that..." She decided to leave out the interaction with his Aunt. Daphne took a sip of her wine.


Re: 5:30 dmalfoy_purbld March 17 2008, 17:13:15 UTC
Draco sat next to her, eyeing the surroundings carefully. He noted Severus' presence, not that it was a surprise by any means, and wondered briefly how this event would affect him. Would it make him more nervous? Would it calm him? Taking a sip, he gave up on trying to figure out his mentor, even on something as simple as this.

"Lavender? Who's Lavender?" he asked, following Daphne's gaze. He noticed a blond speaking to Granger. Well, no accounting for taste. Granger, the ever present thorn in his side.

He scanned the room. The Great Saviour. Of course he'd be here. Looking around, he was finding fewer and fewer people worth his time or effort.

He really should dance with the bride at some point, that whole making a show of being polite and all that.


Re: 5:30 laural_daphne March 17 2008, 17:45:30 UTC
"Yeah, she was a pureblood Gryffindor. I believe she dated the Weasel boy at one point. I don't know... she seemed nice." She frowned slightly at the fact that she was talking with the mudblood.

"Though, she doesn't seem to have any taste in who she talks with when she's not drinking."

Daphne took Draco's hand in hers. She needed to feel his touch, in hopes that she wouldn't feel so anxious and out of place yet again. Looking at him, she smiled; a small inner sigh at just the sight of him. He probably felt a bit mis-placed also.

Unfortunately, she might have to go through talking with Professor Snape again. Maybe now that Draco and her had admitted to wanting a relationship with each other, he might be slightly nicer to her. Most likely not.


Re: 5:45 dmalfoy_purbld March 19 2008, 03:40:47 UTC
Pureblood Gryffindor. Grand. More reasons the world had gone upside down.

"Apparently," he agreed blandly.

As she took his hand, he smiled, bringing her fingers to his lips briefly. "Daphne, don't let this get to you. And, you didn't have to come tonight. I would have understood."

He would. Hell, he really would have understood. What was wrong with him?

He thought to the silence this week. He thought about Pansy, briefly, then forced the thoughts from his mind. He could not afford to think of her right now. He would deal with her tomorrow, or next week. Hopefully.

Right now, he needed to handle the lovely in his presence. Daphne.


Re: 5:45 laural_daphne March 19 2008, 03:57:56 UTC
Daphne sighed and smiled gently. "But I wanted to be here for you. Plus it wouldn't be a bad thing to get my presence out amongst other portions of our society."

She leaned in close to Draco. "It's a good way to advertise for Honeyduke's." She laughed softly.

There were definitely more comfortable situations she'd prefer to be in, but there were uncomfortable situations she was willing to be in if it would put a positive thought in Draco mind or if it meant that business would bloom even more so at Honeyduke's.

She unconsciously stroked her fingers along her side, but kept a smile on her face.


Re: 5:45 dmalfoy_purbld March 19 2008, 16:52:34 UTC
He chuckled then and nodded. "I assure you, there are far more effective ways of advertising your skill at making sweets." He smirked slightly, "And true, you should share the brilliance that is your smile with the world."

She really was lovely, and he could not have found a more perfect necklace for her.

"How is business going? I haven't had the chance to ask," since we've been dealing far too many other things currently/

His eyes flickered just an instant, just slightly, and only if she was looking intently. He hoped she wasn't. He didn't want to talk about Pansy. He wanted to focus on positive things. Happy thoughts and upbeat occasions.

"I still should come back and actually buy more of those chocolates."


Re: 5:45 laural_daphne March 26 2008, 16:51:46 UTC
"Ah, being sly are we?" She teased.

"Business is doing well. Those chocolate wizard chess sets I started making are selling incredibly well. Keeping me quite busy when I'm in the shop." She laughed. Not noticing the flicker in his eyes as she was briefly watching the other guests, she continued.

"You should just come back, period." She liked teasing Draco in this way and he did well to rid her of her negative thoughts. She was still uncomfortable being the 'outcast' at the party, though.


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