Come Live With Me and Be My Love

Feb 14, 2008 18:05

Date: Thursday, 14 February 2002
Time: late afternoon
Location: Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley then Shepherd’s Cottage
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, Charlotte Aurelius Finnigan,
Rating: G, or maybe more

It had been much too long since Seamus and his beloved had enjoyed an evening together either at home or anywhere else. Most of his time was spent at Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley with every spare moment snatched to visit Char and the new babe. They had not had a quiet dinner, nor even a quiet moment together since decorating for Christmas. It had been too long since he’d enjoyed her delightful accent in any discussion longer than a few minutes. It had been much longer since he’d held her in his arms for a dance. He couldn’t remember the last time they’d set aside work at Finnigan’s, the Viewer business and Trésor Littéraire to take time for themselves. It was probably their honeymoon….which only brought to mind something else that Seamus, the new father, was sorely missing.

They had been so busy, and Char had been so insistent that she could neither travel by Floo nor apparate whilst pregnant that they hadn’t been much of anywhere for months. Now that their own baby miss was here and making her most incessant demands on their time, Char had not wanted to subject such a young babe in arms to a trip by Floo or apparation. The babe in charge was now a little over six weeks old, and Seamus decided the time was past ripe for him to show Char the new house he’d bought for her in Ireland. Valentine’s Day seemed a fine night for the purpose and would give him the opportunity to give all the women in his life their heart’s desire.

He’d spent secret stolen moments the last several weeks moving some of their things into the house and preparing it for Char’s first glimpse. He would have preferred the gardens to be in full bloom, but there was no way he could wait any longer. He hoped that if Char liked the place enough they might spend at least their weekends living there, gradually moving fully to Ireland and spending less time in Diagon Alley where every moment of their lives seemed consumed with work and the demands of their thriving businesses.

He’d laid in a fire and provisions just this morning, filling the place with fresh flowers and other treats he hoped Char would enjoy. He’d cleaned the place and made sure everything was completely in order for her first visit. He’d had to endure more than his usual groveling in order to coax Cook into packing him the most delectable of picnic baskets full of irresistible treats and snacks. Once Cook had been convinced that it was Char’s interest that lay at the heart of the request, the hampers had been packed with an eipicurian delight sure to please her, including some Champagne and chocolate covered fresh strawberries that had been decorated with sprinkles that would sparkle in the firelight as they ate before the fireplace.

Taking care of the baby miss was the easiest part of the plan. He had only to mention the possibility of a visit to his own Mum and she’d been ecstatic at the idea of getting her hands on her grandchild without the vexing interference of her own Mum and Da. He was quite sure Beven and Cian would spoil the lass rotten and make sure she wanted to visit them in Kenmare as often as possible. Fortunately, they’d been anxious to keep the babe overnight, which saved Seamus the embarrassment in asking.

He’d arranged for his brother Will to watch Finnigan’s for the night since Valentine’s Day was a sure time for couples to come for dinner and drinks and for singles to drink down their loneliness with good friends and Quidditch. Will was well able to handle the place with his trained staff, so he tried hard not to fret about leaving the place for a full evening.

Once Char had put Stan down for her nap and gone off to take one of her own, Seamus leapt into action, spiriting the sleeping baby miss downstairs to transport her by Floo off to Finnigan’s in Kenmare. He believed Char would take her traveling by Floo better than if he apparated with her, but he was hoping against hope that the new home in Ireland would offset her prospective ire.

He arrived in the back kitchen in Kenmare to be greeted by both his Mum and his Da. Both were all smiles and delighted to be visited by their smallest granddaughter. Beven wasted no time at all taking the babe out of his arms and all but shooed him back to London.

“Off with ye, me randy Boyo. Don’t be in a rush to reclaim our mighty fine Irish miss here then - she’s going to be too busy visiting with Gram to be after missing your sorry self then. My love to your Char, now, we’re nearby if she’s worried.” Seamus was a bit reluctant to leave the babe himself, but as his Mum and Da fussed and cooed over the baby he knew her greatest danger was too many kisses. Actually, that sounded like a fine penance for Char as well, he thought as he Floo’d back to London.

Fortunately, Char had not awakened during his brief absence, so he stood in the doorway to their bedroom wondering how and when to wake her. Anxious and impatient to be out of London and back to Ireland in his own home with his own wife, he decided the expedient choice was the best one: he gathered his sleeping wife up in his arms, whispering softly in her ear as he held her close.

“Trust me, Char love?”

He didn’t wait for an answer before apparating them off to their new Irish home.

status: complete, character: charlotte aurelius, character: seamus finnigan

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