Friday at last

Oct 12, 2007 20:20

Date: Friday, Oct. 12th
Time: Around 4:00pm
Location: Stella & Caleb's flat, to begin with...
Characters Involved: Caleb Moore, Stella Sinistra
Rating: With these two?  We'll start at PG-13 (and actually stay there!  Wow!)

Stella's week had been nothing short of horrendous.  The students had been out of sorts all week- either cranky or just too hyper.  ( Read more... )

character: caleb moore, status: complete, character: stella sinistra

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wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 01:47:15 UTC
A last minute shopper had delayed Caleb to the point he was annoyed. Any other evening he wouldn't of minded, but it was Friday night, which meant Stella was waiting for him. They'd lost enough time last weekend when he'd had to meet Snape, then their normal mid-week lunch had been derailed.

He just wanted to be home.

When he finally opened the door to their flat, he found Stella curled up on the couch watching a movie. Caleb found it amusing that Stella was still vaguely fascinated by the tv, particular his movies.

He walked to the couch, a huge grin on his face. Bracing his hands on the back of the sofa, he leaned down and kissed Stella hello before plopping down next to her. "What are we watching?" he asked, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 01:55:50 UTC
Having never owned a television before, Stella was still a bit amazed by the whole thing. Besides, it made a good distraction for times like this. However, her entire focus immediately shifted over to Caleb the moment he walked in the door, and she quickly paused the movie as he moved towards the sofa.

"Hello, love," she smiled, looking up at him after she had settled in his arms. "I was watching 'Shakespeare in Love'- it's very good, but I'd much rather look at you right now." Movies could wait, after all- her time with Caleb was limited to weekends, and she'd rather not waste any of it in watching movies, no matter how good they were.


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 02:07:37 UTC
"I knew you only wanted me for my dashing good looks," Caleb teased, cupping her face with his hand. "God I've missed you," he told her, kissing her softly befor pulling back. "How was your week? Did it get any better?" he asked, as Stella snuggled against him.

It felt like the first time all week that he was able to relax. He been so on edge that he hadn't been sleeping well, and everything felt out of sorts. But finally, he had Stella, and as always, she was able to settle him in ways nothing else could.


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 02:13:27 UTC
"It was awful," she confided, laying her head against Caleb's shoulder. "The students were just rotten this week- if I didn't know better, I'd have thought it was a Full moon!" Werewolves weren't the only people the Full effected- it was well known among the Hogwarts professors that the students always went a bit mad during the week of the Full.

"And I was buried in parchment for the entire week- I finally finished just before my classes last night, so I didn't have to bring any of it home, thankfully." Stella sighed, relaxing at the feel of Caleb's arms around her. "I am so glad it is Friday. I think I would have gone crazy with another day away from you." She looked up at him, smiling softly. "How was your week?"


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 02:21:43 UTC
"I don't know how you do it love," Caleb told her, kissing the top of her head. "I think I'd go a bit mad," he admitted. He liked kids, but he wasn't sure he could deal with them day in and day out.

"My week was alright. Long, definitely long," he admitted, sighing. "Couldn't seem to sleep and it made me more irritable than usual. I swear, it's like the Full is in a few days instead of a few weeks. Did I mention that I missed you?" he added, tilting his head to the side so he could see her face.


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 02:26:29 UTC
It was somehow reassuring that Caleb hadn't had the best week, either- not that she wanted him to be irritable, but that he was somewhat in the same frame of mind as she herself was. She met Caleb's eyes, leaning up to kiss him softly.

"I missed you too, love. Terribly. And I'm so sorry you couldn't sleep- is there anything I can do to help? Other than Flooing home every night, that is," she grinned, trying to tease a little. In reality, she'd like nothing better than to be able to come home and sleep with Caleb's arms around her every night. But it just wasn't feasible with her class schedule at this point, and they had to make do with the weekend nights she was able to spend at home.


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 02:37:18 UTC
"I'm sure it will pass," Caleb assured her, a small smile on his face. "You're here now which makes everything better. What do you want to do for dinner? I didn't have time for more than a quick bite at lunch, which is never a good thing," he said, grinning. "Want to go out or stay in? I'm not sure what I have in the house," he said, looking toward the kitchen, "but I'm sure I could throw something together."


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 02:46:37 UTC
Stella shrugged at Caleb's question- it was still rather early, after all, but if Caleb was going to start cooking they'd need to make a decision soon.

"I really don't care either way, love. We can go out, or get some takeaway, or you can cook- it's up to you. I'm not picky." She smiled, looking up at him. "Whatever we decide, though, let's stay on the sofa for at least a little while longer- cuddling is helping me relax immensely." It was true- just a few minutes wrapped up in Caleb's arms was almost more therapeutic than the entire hour she'd spent in the tub. He just had that effect on her!


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 02:59:19 UTC
Smiling, Caleb hugged Stella a little closer and relaxed in to the cushions. "No rush," he assured her, resting his cheek against her head. "No where else I want to be. Do you want to turn your movie back on, or is this alright?"

Caleb didn't care either way, as long as he didn't have to move for awhile. It felt like it had been longer than four days since he'd seen Stella. He didn't even want to think about what it would be like if he had to go more than a week without her. He'd probably be a wreck. It scared him sometimes that he'd become so dependent on her, that he needed her so badly, but he couldn't imagine any other way.


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 03:05:35 UTC
"I kind of like the quiet," Stella admitted, snuggling against Caleb. She thought it was nice that they could spend time like this- not having to constantly be doing something or talking, but that they could enjoy just cuddling together, the silence being comforting instead of oppressive.

They laid on the sofa for quite some time, occasionally murmuring random thoughts or trading small kisses, but mostly just relaxing with each other. When Stella nearly caught herself drifting off to sleep, though, she knew it was time for them to move.

"I think we'll both be ready for bed soon if we stay here much longer," she said gently, sitting up a little and leaning over to brush a kiss across Caleb's lips. "Time to wake up, love."


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 03:12:46 UTC
Caleb groaned. It was the first time all week he'd been able to doze right off, and he really didn't want to get up yet. When Stella kissed him, he tightened his arms around her, pulling her back down against him. "Mmm I don't want to go to school today, got a headache, gotta stay home," he murmured, a smile playing about his lips as he opened his eyes. "Hello gorgeous."


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 03:17:58 UTC
"Hello, love," she smiled back, reaching up a hand to muss up his hair. "No school today, but I thought you'd be quite cross if I let you sleep through dinner." Caleb was the one who'd brought up eating, after all.

"Any decision yet? I'm still agreeable to whatever you'd like to do." It was one of the best things about their relationship- even though they could both be extraordinarily stubborn in their own right sometimes, they could also both be fairly easygoing when it came to things like this.


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 03:23:30 UTC
Caleb thought for a few moments. "I vote we eat in, then decide if we want to go do something else or just lie about being lazy tonight," he said, knowing he'd be much more amniable to fun once he had food in his stomach. "Come help me find something to fix?" he asked as they both got to their feet.

Before Stella could answer, he pulled her back in to his arms, kissing her properly. When he finally broke away, he had a happily dazed smiled on his face. "Right. Food. Come on then, before I forget I'm hungry."


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 03:28:24 UTC
Stella blinked up at Caleb after he pulled away from her, a bit dazed at his intensity. "Food? What? I'm sorry, you've completely distracted me, love," she laughed, shaking her head and taking his hand as they walked towards the kitchen. "You are entirely too distracting."

Stella set the table as Caleb poked around the cupboards and the refrigerator, figuring that she'd at least get that out of the way.

"Well, what are you going to whip up for us, chef Caleb?" Stella asked, grinning at him.


wolf_caleb October 13 2007, 03:40:28 UTC
"How about a bit of a stir fry?" he asked, pulling his head out of the refridgerator. "I've got some fresh veg and some chicken in the freezer I can defrost." That was a charm his was forever grateful that Stella had taught him. It cut down prep and cooking time considerably, which meant he got to eat sooner, which was always a bonus.

They went about cooking, Stella helping him cut up the veggies while he cut the chicken in to smaller chunks. He loved cooking with Stella around to chat with it. Admittedly, he enjoyed showing off a bit, but mostly he enjoyed having someone to share the simple chore with. Perhaps it was just the fact he was cooking for two instead of just himself.


prof_stargazer October 13 2007, 03:47:34 UTC
"I know whatever you make will be wonderful," Stella nodded, moving to help Caleb with whatever he needed her to do. As much as she insisted that she was not much of a cook, she could handle most of the small jobs Caleb gave her, and she enjoyed the simple domesticity they shared in doing this together.

Before long they were sitting at the table, steam rising from their plates. Stella had put bottles of Butterbeer at each of their places, and they laughed and chatted over their meal. Nothing too serious, of course- Stella had been feeling a bit bad about nagging Caleb to tell her about his appointment with Severus, and had decided that she'd let him talk if he wanted to, but that she wouldn't bug him about it any more.


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