
Aug 15, 2007 20:32

Date: Wednesday, 15 August 2001
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, Charlotte Aurelius Finnigan, Hannah Abbott, Dean Thomas, Severus Snape, Susan Bones, Ginny Weasley, June Conners, Aurin Helm
Rating: G

Seamus was hopeful this meeting would be short and sweet. He barely had enough help at Finnigan’s to cover whenever he took time to go anyplace or do anything other than tend bar. It was part of the process of starting up a new pub, and he knew his place for the next few years was standing right there behind the bar watching Quidditch tending to his customer’s needs. Yet as an outgoing business man, he knew he needed to make sure that everyone who was involved in producing, marketing or delivering the Quidditch viewers or match cubes knew who was doing what and had enough of a relationship in order to keep the orders running smoothly. His father had cultivated relationships with many suppliers over time and had taught Seamus well that cultivating relationships did not happen overnight. It was up to him to make sure that his "team" spent enough time together to get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Not that any of that applied to Professor Severus Snape. Seamus had invited him and was hopeful that he would come, but did not really expect it. The man was taciturn at best and surly at worst. Still, he was an integral member of the team and it would not be wise to omit him. More importantly, if the Professor had advice about how to develop the viewers or any thoughts on how the business might best progress, he wanted to hear them. Conversely, he hoped that Dean would share with them any thoughts the partners at his law firm might have on those same issues. They were young men and women in a very young business. It would be foolish not to solicit and take the advice of those with more business acumen.

He’d accepted and acted on every bit of advice either Cian or Beven had offered on Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley, knowing that despite his own decade of experience working in pubs, it was they who had a wealth of experience in handling the unexpected or unanticipated, the financial, and the planning aspects of the business. With the Quidditch viewers and match cubes he needed to make sure no good idea was left unexplored, no initial glitch in the process was allowed to fester into a problem, no concern of any of the members of this ad hoc team were left unheard or unaddressed.

Seamus had the House-Elves set up a buffet style dinner with several choices and a selection of light beverages - tea, coffee, soft drinks and Butterbeer. This was a business meeting, not a cocktail party. He was serving dinner for everyone's convenience, especially his. The meeting was to be during his dinner break from working downstairs and he’d be back behind the bar as soon as it was over. He went up to the third floor of Finnigan’s and made sure everything was in order. The buffet was set up, the table for their meeting was the table used to process orders during business hours. It was cleared for the meeting with parchment and quills set at each place for his colleagues to make any notes for future reference they might feel were necessary.

He made a quick trip downstairs to his apartment to change into more formal business attire before returning to the third floor. It would not reflect well on him if he was late to his own meeting!

Finnigan’s staff would direct the attendees to the third floor upon their arrival.

status: complete, character: severus snape, character: charlotte aurelius, character: hannah abbott, location: finnigans, character: aurin helm, character: dean thomas, character: seamus finnigan

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