Stella had been relieved to find out that Remus had arranged for Aurin Helm to assist Caleb in registering with the Ministry. She didn't know Aurin well, but he was a member of the Order, and that alone gave her a measure of trust in him that little else could. Not that she wasn't still nervous- ever since the Full moon, she had realized that every day that Caleb wasn't on the Registry meant the Ministry's actions would be that much more severe once he did register.
She'd apparated over to Caleb's flat a little before 1, then apparated them both to Diagon Alley. Stella and Caleb were both unusually quiet as they walked hand-in-hand down the street until they reached Aurin's shop. Stella entered first, nervously biting her lip. "Aurin?"
Caleb was nervous and having second thoughts about letting Stella accompany him to this meeting. He trusted Remus to an extent, and Stella completely, so he had to trust their judgment in involving Aurin Helm. But the man could very well turn Caleb over to the Ministry right then and there, which could only lead to trouble for Stella. He'd been so bloody happy, he'd stopped thinking about the Ministry, stopped worrying about what was going to happen to him. He'd never even considered what could happen to Stella just by associating with him.
Apparently, spending so much time alone had turned him in to a self centered prick.
Before he knew it, they were stepping in to the animal emporium and Stella was calling out for their host. Caleb took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. Whatever happened, he would face it head on. As long he kept Stella out of trouble, he would deal with whatever consequences he had to.
Aurin, alerted by Romero's interested chirp, saw his guests through the front window as they approached the door. He stepped around from behind the front counter to meet them, glancing at the top of the doorframe as they walked beneath it. No green or red flashes; nobody was carrying any mechanical or magical bugs, then. Good. He wouldn't put it past the Ministry not to have someone slip things into the pockets of those who entered his shop
( ... )
Stella's eyes fell on Aurin as she walked in the door, nearly before she had even finished saying his name. He looked better than the last time Stella had seen him- though that was not really a surprise, as near the end of the war they'd all looked tired and ragged most of the time. She returned Aurin's smile as she shook his hand.
"It's good to see you, too," she said in her usually quiet manner. "Thank you, again, for offering to help."
She stood a little off to the side as Aurin introduced himself to Caleb, nervousness washing over her again with his words- they only served to remind Stella of how serious Caleb's situation was. She glanced around the shop for a moment to distract herself as she waited for Aurin and Caleb to finish speaking.
Caleb watched the man warily as he approached, but saw nothing but interest and understandable caution in his expression. He knew he was being measured, and when Aurin and Stella said hello, he took the opportunity to study the other man in kind
( ... )
Aurin liked Caleb's handshake, and his tone when he spoke. Both told him that Caleb was a good man. A glance at Romero cemented the impression; the bird was looking at the new people with interest, but his crest was down and he was relaxed on his perch, meaning that he sensed no mal-intent. Aurin resolved to put all his resources into helping the man slip his Registration in under the table, without the Ministry's notice
( ... )
Stella briefly caught Caleb's eye before he turned back to Aurin, and she kept her eyes glued to Caleb as he spoke. She kept having the overwhelming urge to tell him that he didn't need to worry about her, that he only needed to be worrying about keeping himself out of trouble, but she had the feeling it wouldn't do much good at the moment. All Stella could do to acknowledge his concern was to squeeze his hand in return and nod before turning her attention back to Aurin.
His words worried her, there was no doubt about that. She recalled Severus's response to her request for help, his concerns that something could happen to Remus, or Aurin for that matter, settling down on her shoulders like a weight. And her father- she hadn't mentioned any names in her letter, just that she might need a favor sometime soon. Her mind reeled, thinking of the people she'd drawn into this, whether intentionally or not. She tried to focus back on Aurin, she needed to listen, to figure out what they could do
( ... )
Caleb's stomach was dropping with each word Aurin spoke. He hadn't realized the extent of the danger he'd put Stella in, just by being with him. She would be dragged in for questioning, and who knew what else, just because they'd been on a couple of public dates. He ran his hands nervously through his hair. "I honestly didn't know the Ministry had become so bad," he said, truly horrified. "I made a point to cut all contact with the Wizarding world when I left. I just wanted to keep my head down and live a normal a life as possible. I had no idea coming back could be so dangerous, and certainly not for other people
( ... )
Aurin saw their expressions fall, and felt awful for being the cause, but he knew that a quick dose of cold, hard reality was the best way to get them to be as cautious as was needed
( ... )
While grateful for Aurin's cautious nature, he was making Caleb even more parnoid that he already was with his talk of surveillance. They followed him upstairs, and when the large bird landed on Stella's shoulder, Caleb didn't know whether to be worried, or laugh at the expression on her face. He settled for stroking the bird's chest and saying, "You're a handsome boy aren't you? Watch the talons, or I'll be less than amused," he warned, though he couldn't help but smile since it was obvious the bird meant no harm
( ... )
Stella nodded at Aurin's suggestion to move out of the front of the shop, though she'd really paid very little attention to their surroundings after they'd begun speaking- she hadn't even realized the door was still open
( ... )
At Stella's reaction, Aurin turned to see Romero perched on her shoulder. "Ah, that'd be Romero. Is he bothering you? I can get him off there, if he is
( ... )
The plan actually sounded absurdly simple, which made Caleb even more nervous. "Just like that? Walk in, do a change of address with you, and walk out again, registered and collared?" He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. "The less complicated the better," he repeated in agreement
( ... )
The plan sounded- well, simple, as Aurin had said. And if he was actually able to pull it off, it would make everything a lot easier for Caleb.
Stella nodded in agreement with Caleb's request- part of her wanted to accompany him to the Ministry, but she knew it would be dangerous for both of them to do so. "I'll go shopping around here, and stop in at Seamus's new pub to eat." Seamus was an Order member and trustworthy, should it happen that Stella needed someone to vouch for her whereabouts.
She turned back towards Aurin, a hopeful look in her eyes. "And you can set this all up by tomorrow?"
Aurin nodded. "That sounds like as good an alibi as any. Don't just stick to contact with Order members, though; make some small talk with one or two strangers as well, so they'll remember meeting you if the Ministry asks around."
"As for getting it set up by tomorrow, If Caleb will send an owl to Ministry HQ after you leave here asking for an appointment, I can volunteer to stay late when the request makes it in. With your permission, I'd like to bring in a colleague of mine, Cyrus Allocen, to back us up and run interference on anyone who might try to approach me while I prepare and file the Registration papers. He'll do what I ask without knowing any details, since we've gone undercover together before and have a strong trust in one another based on that. He won't be told any names, just that people are to be kept out of my office after you leave."
"Yeah, I can do that, no problem. If you trust him, then that will be good enough for me. Do whatever you need to do to cover yourself." Caleb scrubbed his face with his hands. "I can't believe I'm letting you do this. Aurin, are you sure this is a risk you want to take? I can find another way if I have to," he said, giving the other man a way out.
She'd apparated over to Caleb's flat a little before 1, then apparated them both to Diagon Alley. Stella and Caleb were both unusually quiet as they walked hand-in-hand down the street until they reached Aurin's shop. Stella entered first, nervously biting her lip. "Aurin?"
Apparently, spending so much time alone had turned him in to a self centered prick.
Before he knew it, they were stepping in to the animal emporium and Stella was calling out for their host. Caleb took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. Whatever happened, he would face it head on. As long he kept Stella out of trouble, he would deal with whatever consequences he had to.
"It's good to see you, too," she said in her usually quiet manner. "Thank you, again, for offering to help."
She stood a little off to the side as Aurin introduced himself to Caleb, nervousness washing over her again with his words- they only served to remind Stella of how serious Caleb's situation was. She glanced around the shop for a moment to distract herself as she waited for Aurin and Caleb to finish speaking.
His words worried her, there was no doubt about that. She recalled Severus's response to her request for help, his concerns that something could happen to Remus, or Aurin for that matter, settling down on her shoulders like a weight. And her father- she hadn't mentioned any names in her letter, just that she might need a favor sometime soon. Her mind reeled, thinking of the people she'd drawn into this, whether intentionally or not. She tried to focus back on Aurin, she needed to listen, to figure out what they could do ( ... )
Stella nodded in agreement with Caleb's request- part of her wanted to accompany him to the Ministry, but she knew it would be dangerous for both of them to do so. "I'll go shopping around here, and stop in at Seamus's new pub to eat." Seamus was an Order member and trustworthy, should it happen that Stella needed someone to vouch for her whereabouts.
She turned back towards Aurin, a hopeful look in her eyes. "And you can set this all up by tomorrow?"
"As for getting it set up by tomorrow, If Caleb will send an owl to Ministry HQ after you leave here asking for an appointment, I can volunteer to stay late when the request makes it in. With your permission, I'd like to bring in a colleague of mine, Cyrus Allocen, to back us up and run interference on anyone who might try to approach me while I prepare and file the Registration papers. He'll do what I ask without knowing any details, since we've gone undercover together before and have a strong trust in one another based on that. He won't be told any names, just that people are to be kept out of my office after you leave."
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