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prof_stargazer June 6 2007, 03:19:23 UTC
Stella had been feeling extremely overworked lately- between the usual end of term and getting her O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. classes ready for their exams, she'd had little time outside of school recently. When she'd heard about Seamus's new pub, it seemed the perfect opportunity to get out of the castle for the evening.

Plus, her curiosity had been peaked the previous day- Severus, of all people, had asked her if she was attending the opening. When she asked him why he wanted to know, he had responded very vaguely, which only cemented Stella's resolve to go to the event. She couldn't figure out why he, of all people, would be encouraging people to attend.

She figured since it was a pub, she could dress a little more casually- she had donned a nice pair of denims and a black, off-the-shoulder blouse. The pub seemed to be drawing a crowd already, and in her glancing at the crowd Stella ran straight into June Connors.

"Oh, June, I'm so sorry! What a cute dress that is! How have you..." but Stella's voice trailed off as she followed June's gaze to the screens on the wall. "Merlin, what on earth are those?"


sightlesswolf June 6 2007, 04:14:08 UTC
"No worries, Profes- er, Stella. It's nice not to be the one running into people for once!" June offered a rueful grin, tugging at her skirt. "And thanks, though I feel a bit overdressed at the moment. You look really nice, too, that scarf's lovely!"

The look on Stella's face when she saw the viewers matched pretty well with June's reaction, so the younger woman could completely sympathize. She shook her head. "I can only assume that's what we're all here to see and admire," she answered wryly. "Can't imagine it'll be that hard. They're incredible, aren't they? Better than television!"


beautesolitaire June 9 2007, 16:55:41 UTC
After taking her break, Charlotte wandered over to June and Stella. The dark-haired woman looked familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place a name. Socrates stuck with her, following her around the bar, only stopping occasionally to sniff a shoe or knee. His tail wagged when he smelled June, he wasn't so upset around her anymore, he remembered that she wasn't a threat, even if she did smell like it. He nosed her hand for pets.

"I am sure zat mon Seamus will be 'appy to 'ear all zese accolades for his viewers. 'e 'as already begged me to put one upstairs in ze 'ouse and I told 'im no." she chuckled, "Merci to both of you." she said with a bright smile.

"For coming. It means a lot to my 'usband to know zat he 'as so many supporters and friends."

That they had such friends. It still wasn't easy for her to think of Seamus' friend in the same way to her. Socrates just nosed June insistently.


prof_stargazer June 12 2007, 19:23:59 UTC
Stella laughed at June, glad to at least have run into someone she knew, rather than looking like a complete idiot. "They're just..." Stella trailed off, still looking at the screens. "Amazing, truly amazing."

Stella turned to smile at the blonde woman who approached them- she certainly looked familiar, but nothing clicked until she started speaking and mentioned Seamus.

"Oh! You must be Charlotte!" Stella exclaimed, finally matching the face with the picture she'd seen in the paper some weeks ago. "Congratulations on your marriage. I'm Stella Sinistra, I was one of Seamus's professors at Hogwarts." She said by way of introduction. "As I was just telling June, here, the viewers are just amazing! How on earth did Seamus come up with them?" Stella asked, honestly curious about the origins of the viewers.


beautesolitaire June 22 2007, 16:06:10 UTC
Charlotte just smiled at the teacher's congratulations. She didn't seem old enough to be Seamus' teacher, but that was alright. "Oui, Charlotte Finnigan." she introduced herself and offered her hand for a shake.

She looked around the pub for a long moment, "I do not know 'ow 'e came up wit' zese, but zey are wonderful.... so l ong as zere is not one in my 'ome." she chuckled.

Socrates sat on her foot and watched the people. He was sticking by Charlotte to protect her and that was his job, plus he didn't much mind June anymore. She could scratch his ears in just the right way.


sightlesswolf July 5 2007, 00:39:45 UTC
June was only too pleased to crouch down and indulge Socrates's demands for attention. She'd always been fond of animals, and it was rare to find one willing to tolerate the presence of a werewolf at any time of the month. Perhaps the number of people and the food and drink scents pervading the rom helped mask the hint of 'predator' that usually made creatures so nervous in her presence. Hugging his head, she buried her fingers in the fur behind his ears and gave them a good scratching, enjoying the way he leaned into her touch as she listened to her two friends acquaint themselves.

"They're positively brilliant, Charlotte!" she put in with sincere enthusiasm. Quidditch! How could she not be enthusiastic? "I hope to tell Seamus so myself tonight, but please make sure to pass it along in case I don't manage to get near him. I'm sure he's dead swamped. But why so determined not to have one in your home? I'd think nearly everyone would want one - or at least every Quidditch fan," she amended with a self-deprecating grin.


beautesolitaire July 6 2007, 19:08:25 UTC
"Seamus gets zis vacant and too obsessed look w'en 'e looks at zose t'ings. I would never get 'is attencion away from ze games." she chuckled, "But 'e is very proud of zem." she added, knowing that he was doing a good thing.

Socrates was just used to June and knew that she wasn't going to eat him, just like Perry. He kissed all over her face, greeting her as a friend. Socrates was usually very attentive to females. His tail wagged as he just shoved June onto her butt and attacked her with kisses.

Charlotte wasn't much of a sports fan. She would rather watch a ballet or opera any day. Sports just weren't her thing. Plus she liked her husband to pay attention to her when he wasn't down in the bar. As it was, she had a hard enough time getting him to come to bed some nights. "Socrates! She is not a kissing boat!" she laughed, watching her dog take advantage of the situation.


sightlesswolf July 27 2007, 17:32:35 UTC
A tomboy in a dress is still a tomboy, and June just laughed as Socrates overbalanced her, not making much effort to stop herself being toppled backwards onto the floor of the pub. "Silly pup!" she admonished him, roughing up his fur as he covered her face with sloppy canine kisses, not bothering to worry over pawprints or mussing. Silly things to let stand in the way of the pleasure of having a lapful of enthusiastic dog!

"A kissing boat?" She shoved Socrates away affectionately, knowing he'd bounce right back, but at least giving her space to get the words out. "Charlotte, what on earth is a 'kissing boat'? Though I'm sure-" Break to laugh as the wriggling dog got through her guard again, planting his paws on her arm. "-you're right that I'm not one!"


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