GRAND OPENING at Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley - Come Support Hogwarts Quidditch Programme

Jun 01, 2007 21:07

Date: Friday 1 June 2001
Time: evening
Location: Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, Charlotte Aurelius Finnigan, Open to Everyone
Rating: G

Seamus had been overwhelmed at the Private Preview on Wednesday when the invited guests, particularly those involved in this new venture, got their first look at the face of off-Pitch Quidditch for the future. The orders taken had surpassed even his hopeful expectations and it was clear that viewers were going to be a big success with Quidditch fans throughout the entire wizarding community. Those who could afford to buy one would and those who couldn’t would be able to come to Finnigan’s and enjoy it with their friends. He and Dean were already inquiring at Thompson, Bingley and Blake about international negotiations to provide match cubes from other leagues and viewers to teams, wizards and bars in other countries.

The ambiance provided by the spectre of matching playing all around you was exactly what Seamus had wanted for his pub, something he could envision but not bring to fruition until he’d seen the Memorial dedicated to Dumbledore at Hogwarts. Some might say this was a frivolous use of a wealth of wizarding talent, but not Seamus Finnigan. He had loved Quidditch since he’d been a very young wizard in Kenmare and believed his depth of regard for the sport was hardly atypical.

So it was that he looked around with deep satisfaction at the viewers in his new pub, the menus, the food and drinks at the ready, the new furnishings inside and out - everything was just as he'd imagined! His entire family was here tonight. Beven was managing the kitchen, his father was overseeing service throughout the main room, his brother Will would be helping him at the bar, and his brother Frank would be taking care of customers outside at the tables just in front of the pub until later in the evening when he would return to Kenmare to check on his wife, Bridget. The Finnigans were here to sponsor the event, give Seamus and his family pub a good send off and to make sure that everything went smoothly.

Charlotte was here, of course, lending him her support and encouraging him with her smiles. She was helping out wherever she could, but Seamus was not anxious for her to do too much. That would cause him more anxiety than this opening. In the face of Bridget’s problem pregnancy he was most fearful for Charlotte and her health. They had not yet told the other Finnigan’s of their impending joy, agreeing to wait until the new business ventures were launched. Truth to tell, Seamus wished to keep the news between the two of them for as long as he could. He knew better than Char just how overwhelming and overbearing his Mum would could become once she heard the news of a possible magical grandchild. He wanted to spare Charlotte and himself as much of that pressure as he could.

Seamus was extremely grateful for all of the help from his family. His parents had some friends looking after Finnigan’s in Kenmare. They all knew that first impressions were important and openings in the pub/restaurant trade could be tricky. Fortunately, in Diagon Alley there was magic to be had to remedy any last minute glitches.

He took a deep breath, unlocked the front door, and opened Finnigan’s for business.

character: molly weasley, character: juneau connors, location: finnigans, character: dean thomas, character: lucius malfoy, character: katie bell, status: complete, character: charlotte aurelius, character: severus snape, character: remus lupin, character: minerva mcgonagall, character: millicent bulstrode-morsus, character: stephen stebbins, character: stella sinistra, character: hannah abbott, character: seamus finnigan

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