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about_abbott June 4 2007, 12:51:17 UTC
Hannah was turned toward the door, the opposite direction from which Stephen approached. Her focus was on the patrons entering the bar for the first time so she could guage their reations. She was watching one couple in particular who had just entered the pub. It was quite obvious that she'd only come to the opening at his request. She stood to pull the small notebook out of her pocket so she could write a quick note about making an into to Quidditch area for those who weren't too keen on the sport.

About the time she finished her note, Hannah heard someone call her name. When she turned, she saw someone she hadn't seen in quite awhile. While it wasn't Ernie or Justin, whom she terribly missed, it was another of her housemates. "Stephen," she replied with honest enthusiasm, both because it was her job and she was excited to see someone she'd practically lived with for seven years.

Then he mentioned her jersey. With a quick look down, Hannah remembered the day she bought it. "You mean this," she brushed the comment off. "Tis nothing more than a symbol of new beginnings."


stebbinsthescot June 4 2007, 17:26:59 UTC
Stephen quirked his head to the side at the 'new beginnings' comment, not sure what to make of it. But lest she think he was overly serious, he decided to explain himself. "Oh, I dinnae have anythin' against 'em as players," he shrugged, leaning sideways on the bar, "I've just never understood how people can support a team whose mascots are leprechauns. Always thought they were a bit fright'ning."

"So how are you?" he went on. "Last I heard of ya was that trouble at your shop."


about_abbott June 5 2007, 02:55:36 UTC
Hannah couldn't help but laugh. Yes, everyone knew that leprechauns could be fiesty little buggers but to put them in the category of frightening was not something one heard often. Then again, Hannah had other things that scared her.

"I'm well," she answered truthfully. "My shop is no more." Her smile brightened as she looked around. "Yet, I have other endeavors to keep me occupied."

In all reality, the attack on her shop had probably been a good thing. It led her into opportunities she would never have had otherwise.


stebbinsthescot June 5 2007, 19:11:39 UTC
Stephen shook his head at her laugh. "Not kiddin'. My fourth year, when Remus brought the boggart into our class..." Of course he was sure something far less--frivolous--would appear if he were to look at a boggart now. Not that he was eager to find out.

"Right," he said off-hand when she commented about other occupations, but then it dawned on him. "Right!" Now he remembered. Someone in passing had mentioned her involvement in this place. "Congratulations," he grinned, holding his hand out for a shake. "This place is brilliant."


about_abbott June 6 2007, 02:45:03 UTC
Hannah remembered how ailly her fear had been the year they'd faced a boggart. Since then, the form of her boggart had warped itself. She knew this to be true as there'd been a boggart in the cabinets of her shop when she first moved in. She was amazed by how long ago that seemed when in reality it had only been a few years.

When Stephen offered her a hand, she reluctantly took it. "Don't congratulate me. I just happen to be lucky enough to know the bosses. Any involvement on my part is all based on Seamus' dream."


gryffndean June 6 2007, 02:59:43 UTC
Dean was a bit late in arriving at Finnigan's this evening- he'd had to finish up some things at the office (especially since he had left early the evening before), but he had promised Seamus that he would be there as early as possible to help in whatever way possible. He was also planning on meeting up with Hannah, of course, and was more than a bit surprised to find her chatting and laughing with some bloke at the bar!!

He knew he really had no reason to feel jealous- he and Hannah had only gone out a few times, they hadn't ever discussed being a 'couple' or anything. Still, a twinge of envy surged through Dean as he walked towards the bar.

"Evening, Hannah," he said as coolly as possible, leaning in to rest an arm around her shoulders.


about_abbott June 7 2007, 02:38:13 UTC
Hannah was enjoying the pleasant conversation she was having with her former housemate. Still, it wasn't something that would occupy her entire evening. Yes, they'd been at school together for quite some time. Still, she'd never really been close to Stephen. In all honesty she had only ever thought of him as a roommate to Ernie and Justin.

She had just finished deferring all congratulatory statements to Dean and Seamus when she saw Dean approaching out of the corner of her eye. As he rested an arm around her shoulder with a gretting she turned her head up to smile at him. "It would seem that this one has an ear for conversations even slightly involving him," she directed the statement at Stephen though it was an obvious quip at Dean.


stebbinsthescot June 8 2007, 00:47:16 UTC
Hannah was someone Stephen could say he was acquainted to by virtue of being in the same house, but Dean he only recognized vaguely. Maybe he was her boyfriend. Maybe he thought Stephen was hitting on her. Jealous much? he thought as he smirked at her comment. The thumb of his left hand fiddled a little with his wedding ring.

"That's alright," he said as some more motion near the door caught his eye--and there was Katie, heading his way. "Looks like I'm about t'be snatched up by someone else anyway."


gryffndean June 9 2007, 20:52:09 UTC
Dean just shook his head and laughed at Hannah's comment. "What can I say? It's just extraordinarily good timing." Dean smiled at Hannah and her conversation partner just as the bloke got up to greet Katie Bell, leaving he and Hannah at the bar.

"It looks like a good turnout so far, doesn't it?"


about_abbott June 11 2007, 23:25:32 UTC
Hannah gave Stephen a slight wave as he turned to head off toward his evening company.

"Yes, there's quite a crowd," she agreed with Dean. But then again, this was the premier night of a completely new venture. She wondered how long it would be before the novelty wore off and the pub became nothing more than a place for a few regulars. "Has Seamus thought ahead to the upcoming season?" she inquired knowing that Muggle sports pubs were typically busier during a live game, though there was no way to transmit Quidditch live. Or, if there was she wasn't aware of it.


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