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beautesolitaire June 3 2007, 04:00:29 UTC
Charlotte was helping by making sure that the bowls stayed full of salty snacks like pretzels and crisps. She stayed clear of Beven in the kitchen and helped at the bar and serving as she could. She did her best on getting orders in. She wanted to help out as much as possible, but found Seamus urging her to take a break every 15 minutes. She was pregnant, not dead. She was wearing simple gard, aka something that she wouldn't care if it got stained. Socrates was laying out of the way in front of the fireplace, just watching all the strangers that came in.

Charlotte stopped occasionally and gave him a scratch to give Seamus those breaks that he was urging on her. She was so proud of him and the place. She felt like it was just a little bit hers too. Her dreams were to make Seamus as happy as possible and this made him happy. Not to mention that she'd done most of the decorating. She'd even gone so far to pick the absolutely perfect barlight, it was magicked shimmer glass where a snitch raced around the glass, not too fast as to make anyone dizzy, but a sort of lazy little jot. Occassionally the snitch would change colors. She had thought it was perfect when she had found it.

At first, she'd been dazzled by the viewers too, but now she was used to them and she'd given Seamus a very stern no when he had practically begged to put one upstairs. She took a few drinks from Will and took them to a table with a few older gentlemen seated, listening to them for a moment reminiscing about the good old days of Quidditch, back before the Firebolt.


safinnigan June 5 2007, 01:01:48 UTC
Seamus captured Char’s hand on her way back from taking a few drinks to a table. He slipped an arm around her thickening waist and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. It was the prerogative of the owner to be affectionate to his new pregnant bride and he intended to take full advantage.

“Char, love,” he said as he brushed a lock of hair back from her forehead, “you’ve no need to be waiting on tables, then Sweetheart. ‘Twood be best if you picked a right proper spot at the bar and held court there, love. Right, you’re the prettiest lass here, love. Don’t give the older gents too much to appreciate.” He winked and laughed at her. He wanted her to sit, to enjoy herself, not to work too hard or tire herself out.

“Well then, keep our only son Socrates out from under the customer’s feet and yourself from too much work and the night’ll be perfect for your Seamus.”


beautesolitaire June 5 2007, 18:42:48 UTC
"He might not be our only son soon." she mumbled to him as she kissed his cheek in return. She was glad that it seemed to be going so well. She wasn't overdoing it, "I am fine, mon amour. If I get tired, I will rest." she assured him before she placed a kiss on his neck lightly before she went to pick up the next tray of drinks.

She knew that Seamus worried about her, but she was fine. She was healthy and the exercise was good for her. She took the tray to another table and chatted with the people at the table for a moment, thanking them for their compliments about the pub and the astonishment about the viewers. They were still a little bit of a shock to Charlotte, but she wasn't too worried. They weren't going upstairs.

When she got another look of pleading from Seamus, she went over and gathered up Socrates. The dog yawned and stretched as he got up, following his mommy over to the bar where Charlotte took a free seat at the end, asking Will for some tea. Socrates curled up at her feet, still watching everyone with a bit of nervousness. There were so many people that he wasn't used to, so many smells.

She took a good 15 minutes to rest and finish the chamomile tea, though Will tried to cajol her into a glass of wine to celebrate, which she politely refused, citing that it wouldn't be good for the owner's wife to get 'slus'ied' on the first night that the pub was open.


safinnigan June 10 2007, 23:35:49 UTC
While he was pleased with her kisses, Seamus watched as his defiant independent wife delivered another tray of drinks and chatted with the customers before acquiescing to his wishes that she keep Socrates from bothering anyone and stay off her feet.

Not their only son? Seamus would be delighted if their baby was a boy, but he’d be just as happy if it was a girl. He was more concerned with making sure it was healthy - and the mother with it! Once she was settled at the bar with her tea he was free to check on the kitchen and make sure all the customers received their orders promptly. One less worry was a blessing on this hectic opening night.


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