PRIVATE PREVIEW at Finnigan's of Diagon Alley

May 30, 2007 21:22

Date: Wednesday 30 May 2001
Time: 8 to 11 p.m.
Location: Finnigan’s of Diagon Alley
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Charlotte Aurelius Finnigan, Severus Snape, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Aurin Helm, Katie Bell, Oliver Wood, Pitch Malbum, and NPC’s at Q.U.A.C.K., NPC Solicitors Thompson and Blake of Thompson, Bingley & Blake and other invited guests
Rating: G

Seamus had installed the largest viewer over the entrance to his new pub, so that it could be clearly seen from nearly every vantage point in the room. Until he could get additional large viewers, the smaller ones he’d ordered as prototypes were positioned over the bar on either side so that as many patrons as possible could enjoy the unbelievable realism offered by the prototypes. Even Seamus could not get over the way the combination of the cubes from Q.U.A.C.K and the Pensieve potion-driven viewer drew the audience in to enjoy the spectacle that was Quidditch in a much more realistic fashion than any wide-screen or plasma television that he had ever seen at any other sports themed bar in London.

He had kept the screens going, trying out different cubes and watching various matches while he finished stocking the new bar and completed the final preparations for the Preview tonight and the Grand Opening on Friday. He had one last unpleasant task to do tomorrow, but that would wait.

There was no question which cube he had chosen to display on the large screen for the Preview this evening: The final League Cup match from last fall. The game would run during the entire event. It was no coincidence that he had scheduled it for three hours and the match lasted well over five. Those who wanted to witness the entire match and had not had a chance to do so in person would be forced to come back on Friday for the Grand Opening! His Da, who was back in Kenmare this evening, had suggested this ploy as an assurance that the Friday crowd would be a healthy one. His brother William was here helping him him behind the bar this evening and Seamus was a nervous young man on this momentous occasion.

The smaller screens boasted the two of the final playoff matches, providing all who came to the Preview with a very good idea of just what Finnigan's of Diagon Alley, the first wizarding sports themed pub, had to offer. He also had several order forms at the ready. He intended to ask Hannah to help him with the orders during the evening. He had no idea what to expect, but he did want to be prepared for any eventuality, especially as he had invited the owners of all the teams and their media representatives as well as Pitch Malbum. Perhaps he might get some good press in the Daily Prophet if the evening was a success.

He couldn’t imagine that others would not find the Quiddtich viewers as enthralling as he did, but the proof would be in the reactions of the attendees and the orders placed this evening.

character: katie bell, status: complete, character: severus snape, character: charlotte aurelius, character: hannah abbott, location: finnigans, character: dean thomas, character: seamus finnigan

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