Afternoon Musings

May 13, 2007 02:40

Date: Sunday May 13, 2001
Time: Afternoon
Location: The Burrow
Characters Involved: Molly Weasley
Rating: G

Molly sighed as she settled into her chair at the kitchen table, wrapping her hands around her tea mug. The days were just too quiet anymore, what with all of her children grown and Arthur at work for eight hours every day, not including the days he felt the need to work overtime, even though they didn’t really need the extra money. True, Molly wanted to travel to various places eventually, now that they were allowed that luxury, but she knew there was plenty of money available to do just that without Arthur working his tail off as he had done during both of the wars.

She glanced into the living room where Princess was resting in his armchair, and smiled slightly. The cat had become almost the equivalent to a child to the both of them, as on some level, her addition had been an attempt to fill her empty nest. Now, however, Molly was beginning to wonder if her time would be better spent outside of the house, as it didn’t take much effort to keep up with the housework, especially when Arthur pitched in. To an extent, Molly missed the way things had been when she was working at St. Mungo’s.

It was a fact that when she had been working, she and Arthur hadn’t gotten much of a chance to sit down and have dinner together, but in a way, Molly couldn’t see how that was any different from the way things were currently. Between the Ministry and his hobby, he rarely came in for dinner until she had called him in several times, though she acknowledged that he was making an effort to come in earlier, and when she called him the first time, not the fifth. She had loved her job at St. Mungo’s, as it had been a nice social setting amongst the healers, medi-witches, and medi-wizards. In fact, because of her job at the hospital, she was a friend of her primary healer, John Sedgewick, which in her opinion had turned out to a benefit over the years, especially with the number of children she had decided to have.

Sipping at her tea, Molly began to think over the requirements she would have to fulfill to gain her old position back, as she had worked in the apothecary. She figured it would take at least six months of potions lessons to be up to scratch again, as it had been years since she had brewed anything than the Pepper-up Potion or anything else that came in handy when one had a large family to keep healthy. She closed her eyes briefly whilst she thought of when she could possibly talk about this with Arthur. Half of her wanted to talk about it tonight, and the other half wanted to wait a little longer, as she had yet to make a firm decision about returning to the workforce. It would take a good amount of hard work and determination, but if she had the right game plan, Molly was more than certain she would be able to do it, especially if she took up a part-time position as a healer assistant while she worked on her potions certifications. Standing to put her mug in the sink, Molly nodded firmly, thinking she had the perfect solution to ease her loneliness during the day.

status: complete, character: molly weasley, location: the burrow

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