How things change in just a few months

Apr 08, 2007 11:42

Date: Friday, April 6, 2001 (BACKDATED)
Time: Mid-morning
Location: Trésor Littéraire, Diagon Alley
Characters Involved: Charlotte Aurelius, Peregrin Derrick
Rating: PG-13

It had been a while since Perry had been inside Trésor Littéraire; not since he'd left at the end of the Christmas holiday, actually. He'd been so wrapped up in duelling and his move back home since then that working at the bookstore hardly seemed like one of his own memories; it was as if he were living a completely different life now. But despite his schedule, he still had time to flip through The Daily Prophet now and then. Last thing he expected was to see the engagement announcements of anyone he knew.

Charlotte Aurelius was getting married? And to that bloke Seamus Finnigan; the barman at The Leaky Cauldron, and an Order of Phoenix member. And that's right, he'd come by the shop that one time, hadn't he? That seemed like someone else's memory as well.

An ordinary person might have sent a note of congratulations right away. Perry, determined to think of Charlotte as nothing more than an employer, did no such thing. But he was in the area now, and it had been a while since he'd been inside Trésor Littéraire. He felt, as he walked in, as if the little shop should have changed somehow. But it was very much the same.

"So, have you discovered sleep yet?" Perry greeted with a grin.

status: complete, character: perry derrick, character: charlotte aurelius

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