(no subject)

Apr 08, 2007 07:17

Date: April 8, 2001
Time: Evening
Location: Bill and Fleur's cottage
Characters Involved: Molly and Bill
Rating: TBD

Molly made her way to Bill and Fleur’s cottage, carrying a pan of chicken cacciatore and potatoes along with a batch of chocolate-caramel brownies. Arthur had retreated to his shed after dining with her, and Molly had decided that since it was quite obvious she would be spending the evening alone, she would visit her eldest son. It seemed like it had been ages since she had talked to him, and she was worried about him and the state of his marriage especially since she had gotten the news that Fleur had left her son. Marriage itself was hard enough without the stresses that were unduly thrust upon Bill and Fleur’s, and even though she had never particularly cared for the French half-Veela, Molly had never wished ill upon her son’s marriage. It wasn’t fair of her, after all, especially as she had come to the realization that Fleur did make her son happy, and hadn’t her own parents suggested she and Arthur wouldn’t last a year?

She sighed and adjusted her load as she arrived on Bill’s stoop, raising her fist to knock on the door. She hoped she wasn’t intruding or interrupting something as she had come unannounced, except for her note to him in her journal expressing her wish to visit with him sometime.

status: complete, location: ottery st catchpole, character: molly weasley, character: bill weasley

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