Sing, bitch.

Jan 05, 2007 23:01

Date: Wednesday, 3rd January
Time: 11pm
Location: The Sailor and Siren, Camden, Muggle London, castle ruins, Anthony's place: 12 Dunnet Sq. Amesbury (near Stonehenge)

Characters Involved: Daphne Greengrass and Anthony Goldstein
Rating: PG -> M -> MA -> R -> ? (heh) (Please advise if edits are necessary)

Status: Complete

Daphne was amazingly relieved to, finally, be free of the shackles of 'The Holiday Season' - free to go back to her own ways, and habits - or more accurately, the formation and/or discovery of her own ways and habits. Her mother had insisted she stay on at the family home much longer than was necessary, over the Christmas and New Year period, and even when she was (finally) allowed to leave, she'd felt obliged (or rather, instructed) to return to her Mother and Father in the evenings, for 'a nice chat' (as her Father called it) - or, more accurately, a barrage of malicious and nonsensical babbling and ranting from her Mother.

Earlier that evening, she'd been sitting in her flat, enjoying the relative peace and quiet, when it occurred to her that she was not going to discover anything about herself by staying put, with no one but herself for company, in her flat night after night. If anything, that was more likely to drive her back to her Mother out of sheer habit and the need to be close to someone - anyone - even someone cold and violent.

With that, she'd rummaged around in her closet, selected a cheap, but attractive black and white ensemble - a purchase she'd made with some of the extra money she'd been earning - transfigured her ugly ministry collar in to something slightly more becoming, and slipped out the door.

In her haste, and eagerness to 'discover' herself, she completely neglected to mask her split lip and black eye - souvenirs from Christmas Day, which (although beginning to fade) were still quite noticeable.

On a whim (though, if she was being honest with herself, mostly out of a desire not to bump in to anyone she might know), she decided to head not for a Wizarding club or pub, but a muggle one. She was reasonably familiar with the more popular districts of muggle London, these days, and it took her no time at all to find her way to Camden Loch.

She wandered down the high street a little way, before slipping in to a side alley from which lively music, and the sounds of drunken voices could be heard. Drunken voices doing a horrifying impersonation of singing, if she wasn't very much mistaken.

She glanced up at a neon sign on the wall, which read : The Sailor and Siren - Karaoke.

Well. It was something new. And she ought to be trying new things, after all.

She slipped inside.

status: complete, character: anthony goldstein, character: daphne greengrass

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