Date: Sunday, 12 November
Time: Set up by 7:00 a.m., will remain at the Wood's residence until Winifred is found.
Place: Set up just outside the Wood's cottage
Characters Involved: Anyone and Everyone who wishes to participate
Because Merlin knows the Ministry can't be counted on to conduct the search properly! )
Still, he couldn't argue that he appreciated the feeling of full cognizance it gave him. Hell, by rights, he normally wouldn't even have remembered any of the past hour or the one to come.
From the time Severus had first burst into his room in a panic, Remus had shifted back into what he thought of as his 'general mode', that focused, detached personality which took the dangers instride until he could collapse from fear, or guilt, or what have you later. Dragging himself out of bed and throwing on the first serviceable clothes that came to hand, he was ready to go in ten minutes. While Severus woke June, Remus had gone down to to inform Glamis of what was ( ... )
Oh, hell, there was no point in trying to deceive himself! Severus had come here itching for a fight as much as he wished to help aid the search for a child his pessimistic nature insisted was already dead. Wood had needed almost no provocation to fly off the handle, and Severus was all too willing to provide that which was needed ( ... )
Having spoken with Ginevra and assured himself, now, that June was as looked-after as he could hope for in the circumstance, Severus once again returned to the main tent, where the crowd was thinning as people headed out, some with broomsticks in hand, some on foot.
At last he spotted Remus, and made his way directly toward the werewolf, who appeared to be collecting his own 'assignment'.
Severus waited until he could claim Remus' attention without calling undue attention to himself. He didn't like the look of the werewolf's complexion - the blasted potion forced the lycanthrope's body to work precisely contrary to its nature. There was a slight flush to Remus' cheeks as though he had been undergoing exertion, yet the flush poorly over-laid the pallor beneath which spoke, to the trained eye, of the stress his body was under.
There would be hell to pay for Remus and Derrick when the potion wore off, damn it! And if the child wasn't found - they'd risked serious illness for nothingHowever, done was done. There ( ... )
"Mr Wood and I had a bit of a discussion, it's nothing. I've taken Ginevra to the house. She'll check in on June periodically, so she'll be well-tended. In a few hours, June will be in better condition than you are - by a great deal if you don't eat something before you go chasing Acromantuals with Hagrid. I've provided him with plenty of anti-venom already this term. Apparently he is having some difficulty controlling the population."
He smirked, which was unfortunate, because it opened the cut on his lip again.
"If you have to kill one of the beasts, I'd be most interested in its venom."
Until he knew what happened, he would reserve judgement, of course. And yet, he could already feel something, well, possessive growling in warning at the idea of someone laying a hand on Severus in such a manner. It took more effort than he wanted to admit to focus on the task at hand instead of allowing his instincts to seek out Oliver Wood.
"With any luck, we won't have to kill anything while we're in there. Honestly, conducting a search of the Forest from the air. What are they thinking?" He dabbed lightly at Severus' split lip as he spoke, hoping the dry, but soft handkercheif wouldn't irritate. "If I promise to eat, will you tell me what on earth could have resulted in fisticuffs between yourself and Gryffindor's coach?"
"I may have... provoked him... or at least not been as patient as others have been. There was not even a standard dead bolt, Remus! Nothing to keep a moderately intelligent flobberworm confined into the house if it had a mind to get out! I have more wards on Spinner's End! I know precisely when the doors open and close, when I am home, and our household is composed of competent adults, not helpless children!"
He drew breath to calm himself from going off on a completely useless rant and compose himself as well as may be.
Severus didn't feel the least bit remorseful about the altercation - but he was trying to see it from Remus' perspective, and June's, and realised that they might not be sympathetic to his own point of view.
Which did not mean he would lie, though he had no compunction about trying to give weight to ( ... )
Though he disagreed with the man's rather, well, blunt methods on occassion, he couldn't blame him for reacting thus, either. Remus had seen him with the little girl just the once, but he thought he knew Severus well enough by now to know that even having once let her into his heart like that scene had suggested, any protectiveness he felt was only going to grow.
"Well, you probably shouldn't have taken qhite as much relish in the verbal evisceration I am sure you unleashed, but that still doesn't give him the right to lay hands on you."
Now, the growl was back in his voice. Oliver Wood should just feel lucky Remus himself hadn't been there to witness the act. So soon after the full moon, he was just as likely to lay hands on Wood in a much more brutal manner in payment for the offense. ( ... )
He was not fine, the stubborn prat.
"I battle the inhuman monsters and you take on the ones that only look human?"
He was barely tasting the stew, too preoccupied to notice it. Instead, his attention was riveted on the signs of worry and concern in the voice and mannerisms of the man in front of him. Not to put too fine a point on it, Remus wasn't happy that Severus would be going where he was either. The only trustworthy person there would be Severus, himself.
"I'll be fine," he said finally. "You watch yourself, too. I want to see you before I'm forced into unconsciousness and I'd prefer it if you were in one piece ( ... )
"Precisely," he agreed. "The wolves in sheeps' clothing and all that rot."
He glanced about to ensure no one was paying attention to them in the chaos of the moment, and then risked a brief touch, reaching out to clasp Remus' shoulder for an instant ( ... )
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