Daily Prophet, Morning Edition!

Mar 10, 2006 13:24

Date: Friday, 10 March, 2000
Time: Morning Edition
Character Involved: The Daily Prophet
Status: Complete
Rating: G

Harry Potter Leaves the Hospital Amidst Fanfare and Celebration!

Unfortunately for our readers, Our Hero was not present for any of the fanfare and celebration. The Head Chief Healer came out a few moments ago and announced Mr Potter's release. Mr Potter left directly from his hospital room, so as to avoid the publicity. Nonetheless, the celebration commenced at once, without him. Bands playing, confetti flying, dancing in the streets, it seems we have all been holding our collective breaths as we waited to ensure that our Hero really was alive and well, before we could fully enjoy his wondrous victory.

Apparently the populace at large was not alone in this sentiment. The Ministry for Magic and the Headmistress of Hogwarts both seem to have been waiting for Harry Potter's release from the hospital to announce their own agendas.

"Hogwarts will be repaired, and we intend to have it open for resumption of normal classes no later than September 1," Minerva McGongall announced to the surrounding press. "We will be using only private funds from this moment forth, and will not submit to Ministry control or oversight, though we will continue to meet if not exceed the educational standards required for standardized testing.

"Hogwarts is not a forum for political or social manipulations, but an institution of higher learning, and I will not permit it to be used as such."

However, an inside source suggests that McGonagall has a scheme in mind to enhance inter-house unity which smacks smartly of precisely that sort of social manipulation she espouses to despise.

None the less, she did announce plans for how this change and repair was to be funded without Ministry and Taxpayer support.

"We will begin a series of fundraisers by the end of this month, starting with a formal charity ball and dinner. Details will be announced when they have been finalised. Staff appointments are still being considered."

Again, inside sources claim that McGonagall is petitioning the Ministry for the right to employ teachers who might be on the Registry, arguing that as a private institution, Ministry regulations ought not to apply to whom Hogwarts employs. We will keep you informed.

The Ministry, on the other hand, is also announcing its intent to foster better public relations amongst all wizards, and also has plans in the works for a ball in the near future. We are certain this has nothing to do with upcoming elections nor the dropping popularity polls of our current elected officials.

Then, of course, there is the decisions to be made regarding the various Order of Merlin nominees, and the gala which will surround the award ceremony, open to the public.

It promises to be an interesting season, dear readers, and regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain.

It is time to make sure your Dress robes are of the current fashion.

publication: daily prophet, status: complete, status: admin announcements

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