Grow Where You're Planted

Jul 21, 2006 17:26

Date: Friday, 21 July, 2000
Time: Noon
Place: St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom, Private
Rating: G
Complete or Incomplete: Complete

Living is having ups and downs and sharing them with friends. - Trey Parker & Matt Stone )

status: complete, status: invitation only, location: st mungos, character: neville longbottom, character: seamus finnigan

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safinnigan August 1 2006, 00:43:50 UTC
“Aye, lad, Tonks luv is good as gold, that one.” He smiled and raised his Butterbeer bottle to clink against Neville’s in salute to their mutual friend.

“Aye, Nev, everyone’s talking about Malfoy and thinking just what he wants them to think now.” Seamus was not about to buy the damn book, but he’d certainly heard enough about it at The Leaky.

“Aye, mate, but see the dangers we do, leastwise the two of us.” He gestured between them, then thought for a moment. Neville had expressed something he’d been grappling with for months. “Well now, Nev lad, been thinking there must be something we can do ‘gainst the rise of the dark, ‘gainst the danger, ‘gainst the fecking ejits of the Ministry of Magic. ‘Twood be your man sure and true if you canst be after telling me now what to do ‘bout it then. To be sure, if you’ve an idea, this Seamus is your man for certain now.” He’d be relieved if Neville had an idea, a plan. If only there was something that he could do, he could feel like they were accomplishing some good in this untenable situation. He no longer had any faith that the Order of the Phoenix was up to the task.

This seemed the time, though, to be after his friend Neville to have a greater care for his safety. “Em, Nev lad, speaking of the dangers, seen and unseen,” he paused, not wanting to offend Neville. He knew full well that Neville could look after himself. “Nev lad, ‘tis safe enough here is it? With her loose now and bound to be after you?” He couldn’t help the concerned look that came with these words. “The Miss out front there,” he gestured back towards the apothecary where he’d come in, “that Miss is no more a stopper ‘gainst danger than this door to the greenhouse.”

He’d said his piece, it was up to his friend to decide what was best to be done for his own situation.

When Neville suggested Blackpool, Seamus just filed it away for future reference. He’d have to ask Luna if she had a taste for the place. “Blackpool, Nev? Never been there. Thanks for the suggestion, though, ‘twill be a fine place for sure if your family’s a mind to be staying there year after year. Kenmare is close to the sea, and anywhere close to the sea, ‘tis a fine place for sure!”


forevernev August 1 2006, 02:26:30 UTC
Neville had no real suggestions for Seamus other than what they (and much of the rest of the Order) had fallen into: wait and see. No one predicted where Greyback would strike next, but strike he did, hard and close. The thought caused an inadvertent shiver to run up his spine. And upon that thought layered another one: darker, deeper, more terrifying in its inevitability. If Greyback had an agenda, then what would stop Bellatrix Lestrange from exploiting it?

"I wouldn't put anything past Lucius Malfoy at this point. Fact is, loads of people 're starting to believe him. He'll be able to use that." And any likely protests would fall on deaf ears, as it had with his family versus Lestrange. More powerful forces were working in places regular wizards couldn't access, and that fact made Neville worry for the future of freedom (true freedom from war and hate) in the world. "Merlin knows how, but he's gaining influence again. The Order of Merlin's only the beginning."

He sank a little in his chair as he considered Seamus' question about protection. True, the apothecary was ill-prepared for a full-on attack, if Lestrange had it in her head to push herself through the Healers and nurses to get to him. "To be honest, mate. I'm not sure the precautions 're helping. Good news is I can put wards up here in a pinch," he pointed vaguely at the door. "And I've been trying to set up natural barriers through the vines that grow along the rafters, but it's difficult to teach them who's safe and who's not." He sighed. His only real protection was the assumption that Bellatrix would not so soon return to the place where she'd been incarcerated.

"I've never had much luck with the sea, myself," Neville said, a bit vaguely. He'd not set his feet on the shore since that fateful day when he nearly drowned. But he knew many others didn't mind it, and actually looked forward to swimming in it.

"I've got to warn you, though. It's a bit...touristy. All flash. Muggles like going there on holiday during the summer, but my Grandad always thought that part of the fun was watching them enjoying themselves." His face turned wistful. So much of his love for Blackpool was wrapped up in the memories he had of his grandfather. "He was fearless, my Grandad. Riding the coasters was his favorite thing to do."


safinnigan August 2 2006, 00:20:20 UTC
Seamus just nodded at Neville’s words about Malfoy. What else was there to say? The man was dangerous, they knew it, and there was little or nothing to be done about it. The Order of the Phoenix intended surveillance. That was pitiful, but at least it was something.

When Neville allowed as how there were not many precautions here to protect him, Seamus was concerned, but he’d already urged his friend to caution. All he could do was add his heartfelt concern.

“Well then, have a care, Neville. She knows where you are and what you’re about lad, whilst we know less than zero ‘bout what the fecking bint’s up to.”

He listened to Neville’s words about Blackpool with interest. It might be a tourist town, but it was clear that Neville had fond memories of the place and had enjoyed his time there, even if he wasn’t fond of the water.

Seamus laughed and took a drink of his Butterbeer. “Right, water’s a second home for a Finnigan, mate. ‘Twas learn to swim or be drowned by my prat brothers, the fine lads.” His smile remained but his eyes became more serious when Neville spoke so respectfully of his Grandad and his fearlessness. He raised his bottle in salute. “’Tis for certain you’re just like ‘im then mate! Fearless Neville - now there’s a moniker for you and your Order of Merlin then, lad. A good one, too, now.”

Seamus was glad he had come to have lunch with Neville today. It hadn’t worked out the way he had hoped, but he and Neville were mates, and a fine lunch with mates of a Friday in London was a far better way to spend it than fighting Death Eaters, no matter where the lingering problems after the war took them.


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